Blows From the West ~ Part 2
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All inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth: When he lifts up a banner on the mountains, you see it; And when he blows a trumpet, you hear it. Isaiah 18:3.
We will continue Sid Roth’s interview with Torrey Marcel Harper (Reveal Company), a prophetic man of God from last week reporting on God getting the glory when His move will blow from the west eastward. Newsmax 1-Hour Special - Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural! |
What caught my attention was the prophecy: “I saw the map of America and I saw the wind of God blow from the west coast to the east coast. I heard the Lord say these words, "We are in the days of Seymour, William Seymour and his sons." And he says, "I'm going to begin to release another wave of an Azuza (great revival in California) outpouring greater than what we saw back then, but it's going to fall on the next generation." Let’s continue.
Sid Roth: “At the Asbury Revival currently known as the preview of the main event, God gave Torrey an open vision of this main event known as The Greater Glory Revival.”
Torrey Marcel Harper: “I get to the Asbury Revival…I'm worshiping and I sit in my seat and I hear the Lord say, "Go low. Go low." And so, I kneel. I just bend over and the Lord said, "Go lower." So, then I get on my knees and then I hear Him say, "Go lower." And the more that He kept saying it, I kept saying, "Lord, there's an even deeper dimension of lower." And I didn't realize He was more so talking about the posture of my heart. And the minute I got close to the ground, I heard the Lord say these words. He says, "This is where I want my church in this hour, in a lower position."
“As I saw that, and as I heard the Lord speak, I began to see a huge sword swing across the earth and it looked like a harvest sickle. Because I do believe that we're in the days of the harvest right now, and I began to see the sickle of the Lord swing. And He said to me, "Son, this next move of God, this next move of harvest, is only going to happen for those that go low." And He says, "For those that don't get low enough in the place of brokenness and humility and surrender and love sickness," He says, “I'm going to shut down the pride. I'm going to get rid of the celebrity Christianity." He says, "Those that are standing will not endure this next move of God, but only those that get low will be a part of it." It's called the low administration.”
Sid Roth: “Are you literally saying, "Christian celebrities," perhaps on television that if they don't go low, God will get rid of them?”
Torrey Marcel Harper: “Yeah. Yeah. I believe over the last three years (2020 to current), God has been resetting the landscape of the body of Christ with the world at large. The Lord is going to get rid of the celebrity Christianity, this is called the LOW ADMINISTRATION. Hebrews 12:27 says: ‘Everything that can be shaken, will be shaken.’”
In so many words, no one will get the glory for what is coming except God; no one person will take credit for this revival, only God will get the glory. Similar to a prophetic word I received in 2007 when I asked what this revival will look like:
“You have asked well, child. It is a time of splendor in My Spirit; a time of threshing of old human ways and traditions; and a way of new hope and renewal to an old wine skin. This work will be a life changing work, the institution will not survive but I will breathe in it, new life. As I said before My church will come to life and it will be true to its name. The Lord cometh and He will inhabit the true praises of His people. And I will set My sanctuary with you and all will be refreshed.”
Then it shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise, and an honor before all nations of the earth, who shall hear all the good that I do to them; they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the prosperity that I provide for it. Jeremiah 33:9.
If you would like to read the full transcript or view the show, see attached: TRANSCRIPT_God-has-shown-Torrey-what-the-next-move-of-God-will-look-like-1.pdf (; Newsmax 1-Hour Special - Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural! |
"Speak to the wind and shine like stars; proclaim My Name among the nations."