The Tools (II)

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The first tool to hearing the Lord speak is our faith.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  Think about the meaning of that verse.  Faith came to us because we heard the Word of salvation and believed the report.  And the same is true with hearing His voice…it comes by faith and the Word of God aka the Bible.  

So, then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  (Romans 10:17).

In addition, my faith believes that the Lord wants to talk to me.  My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.  (John 10:27).  I believe He wants anticipatory participation from His saints in the active waiting for His answers and confirmations.  It is a willingness to believe that the Lord wants to get His message across to me and to confirm it when I doubt.

If we love Jesus, then we love the Word for He is the Word of God.  The second tool in our arsenal is God’s Word.  My goal is to help you start a reservoir of your own from the River of Life, God’s words.  Envision yourself dipping a cup in a crystal-clear pure river (every time you read the Word) and pouring it into a reservoir tank to be drunk at a later time. That is what we do with the Word of God; build up the reservoir…fill it up.  Fill up our tanks.  A full tank can be used daily and for emergencies when listening for the Voice of Eternity. 

I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.  (Hebrews 8:10b).

I’m going to be honest here and say daily devotionals are fine, but they are supplemental (like vitamins).  I need to ingest the Bible to absorb its full nutritional value.  I can’t hear Him correctly if I don’t know the Word because many lying spirits are in the world.  We will get into testing what is heard in a subsequent article. 

Next item in the toolbox is a pen/pencil or a computer (even your phone).  A tool to record what you hear in your ears and in your dreams.  And finally, a notebook or journal (computer/phone). 

If you didn’t know…God writes down everything we say.  Shouldn’t we write down everything He says?  Your journal is your book of remembrance similar to Malachi 3:6…And the Lord listened and heard them; so, a Book of Remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on His name.

I sense He wants to speak to us more fervently than we want to hear Him.  With our faith in hand and knowing He wants to communicate with us, let’s start this journey.

PRACTICE POINT:  Ask the Lord a question.  What would You have me learn from this series?  Write down His answer in your notebook (journal). 

BONUS POINT:  Ask God for scripture to confirm your participation.  When God gives you a scripture, then write the date in your bible by the verse and record it in your journal for future reference.