What am I Talking About…This Latter Rain?

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Who has believed Our report?  And to whom has the Arm of the Lord been revealed? Isaiah 53:1.

I recently asked the Lord if I am doing the right thing by posting about the Latter Rain.  If I have been shown the Arm of the Lord to believe this report of the outpouring soon to arrive.  As long as I know it is from the Holy Spirit, then I am all in…but I do not want to mislead anyone, including myself. 

When I asked the question, I received a scripture address of 1 Kings 18:1 And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.  To receive this scripture was immediate confirmation.

Why?  Because in my Bible, I had written a side note on March 4, 2007.  It was on that date when God told me to go to the Head Pastor of my old church to tell him revival rain was coming.  If you recall from my previous prayer assignment, the Lord referred to him as Ahab because he allowed the spirit of Jezebel to live and flourish in the church.

Unfortunately, by 2010 the pastor had not dealt with the infestation, so God declared he would not see the revival that was coming.  True to His word, the pastor graduated to heaven in January of this year.  Now, the Latter Rain revival is being proclaimed to me again.  “I will send rain on the earth!”

For your information, take note this is the third year of drought as God said in the above 1 Kings verse.  In January 2023: "This winter was predicted to be another dry La Niña year for California — the third dry year in a row of a severe drought. But rains began arriving early, and a major storm on New Year’s Eve."

Sandbags in San Francisco: California Braces for 'Bomb Cyclone' Rainstorm (breitbart.com)

I thought it a good idea to explain as best as I can the understanding of what is coming aka the Latter Rain.

“The Latter Rain is God's great end-time ministry. This concept, as revealed in the Bible, comprises the restitution of the church to its rightful place, the enormous last day revival soon to come, and the harvest of souls before the great and terrible Day of the Lord. It is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh promised to us in the last days and the restoration of apostolic and prophetic gifts…The true Sons of God are those led by His Spirit, signs, (acts) and wonders will follow.

The Latter Rain is the prelude to the harvest of souls and the Almighty Reaper patiently waits for the field to ripen and come to maturity. Jesus said to His disciples "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." The Latter Rain (latter-rain.com)

“Revival is God bending down to the dying embers of a fire just about to go out and breathing into it until it bursts into flame.  Quite simply revival means to ‘wake up and live."  Every Day Light Devotional, Selwyn Hughes.

Another confirmation came from my sister who awoke the other morning to a continual statement flowing through her spirit: “Acts and Wonders”, she said.  This is a simple but powerful Holy Spirit-filled announcement.  He is preparing us for a deluge of His Spirit. 

“In the latter days there will be revival, a revival of renowned proportion, to where all who are called by My name and those who have fallen away will return.  The Shepherd is calling, the Lamb that was slain is returning.  I alone know their hearts and minds, they belong to Me. 

In the latter days, there will fall like rain, My Spirit on My people and they will be quenched with My power.  Power from on High to accomplish My mighty works.  The time draws near, be prepared, be alert.  For I have purposed a new move of My Spirit, a new way of revival that will be brought in by prayers and supplications…it will not look like any other move that has gone before it.  I do not want My people stuck looking for a move of My Spirit that has come and gone.  But only to look to Me and My Spirit…the manifestations will go before; the manifestations point to Me!”

Amen, come Lord Jesus!