God Likes Impossible Odds

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We need more miracle aid, than medical aid!

I have quoted previously: “Some of us are in situations and circumstances that look absolutely impossible to move. And many of us have been waiting for the promises of the Lord that only He can cause to happen. In fact, He's shown us incomprehensible hopes and dreams that have no way of happening, except that the miraculous of God hit us like a spiritual tornado and a tsunami. We were never even supposed to do anything to make these promises happen, because God WANTS to do it. He's the One who wants to come in where there could be no humanly way possible.”

I am reminded that God likes impossible odds otherwise there would be no miracles.  Miracles do come true; and they can happen for you! 

Read about my healing miracle that recently took place: I Choose to Believe, The Miracle of the Deaf Ear.

“I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people…”  Leviticus 26:12.