Momma's Visit

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There are times when only a mother’s love can comfort us.  There are times when one yearns to feel the presence of loved ones who have moved to heaven.  As such, I’ve had a few recent visits from my Momma that I want to share.

In all my dreams of Momma, she has visited me bearing gifts.  I find this parallel with her earthly persona.  Momma was a gift giver.  She loved shopping for her four daughters (grandchildren and loved ones).  For any occasion, I might add.  She enjoyed contemplating the future gift; she loved shopping for the gift, and she found joy in its wrapping and presentation.

Momma is dearly loved by us daughters and so missed.  Nonetheless I have had the utter joy of seeing her in several dreams within the year.  She normally does not speak in the dreams, but her presence is felt powerfully.

A significant Momma visit was with all my sisters present in the dream.  The four of us were visited by Momma who came bearing gifts for each one of us.  She had beautiful red lips like she used to when she was young.  I kissed her lips, then I kissed her again and got lipstick on her cheek!

As always, she had hand-picked each gift for each daughter.  She presented the gifts to each of us, and I was the last to receive her gift.  Momma gave me a hand-carved chair; it was a lovely coral and turquoise color.  I sat in it, and it was a perfect fit.  It spoke to me that it was okay to sit and rest.  

Kissing Momma was symbolic of me agreeing with her suggestion of resting.  The kiss of agreement; and twice kissed meaning a witness.  I was comforted when I awoke.

I again received a visitation about six months ago.  I recall that dream under the Watchman Dreams Archives titled “Be Not Ashamed”.  In the dream, Momma carried a large white box with a sweet gift inside for me, I think it was a white cake.  She leaned down, kissed me and left the gift in front of me.  As Momma stepped aside, I was surprised to see Daddy behind her.  I was so happy to see them together as I have only seen them once together in a dream since they passed.

I know God sent this parental dream to comfort me during a time of self-defeating thoughts.  The Lord also provided confirmations that they were with Him which I am beyond grateful for.

And the most recent encounter with Momma was on October 8th of this year.  She approached me with a gift, and it was silver in color.  Along with the color I noticed it was frilly, girly in nature.  I sensed Momma had given the parts of the gift to my niece Tracy who had put the gift together.  But Momma presented it to me.  Once I took the gift, Momma gave me a long hug and kissed me. 

As I recounted the dream to my sisters, they reminded me that October 8th was Momma’s birthday, and she would have been 94 years old!  Then, baby sister Wendy sent us a picture of her. 

Now, all of us have the same picture of Momma taken at big sis Sherry’s house.  But I didn’t remember that light on top of her head!  It looks like angel wings.  So, I inquired and here is our conversation:     

“It's a light fan reflection but, wow, it looks like angel wings!”

“Yes, I think we all have the same picture.  I have one in my bedroom but that's a glare on the the glass because my picture doesn't have that.”

Wendy (who sent the picture): “But my fan does NOT have a light on it. OMG!!!!  Come to think of it, I was not under the fan when I took this!”

Well, the wonders of our God!  I love this song which keeps my mind on the things of eternity where our parents now dwell.        

O Thou in Whose Presence ~ Joseph Swain, pub. 1791
O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight,
On whom in affliction I call.
My comfort by day and my song in the night,
My hope, my salvation, my all.
Where dost Thou, dear Shepherd, resort with Thy sheep
To feed them in pastures of love.
Say, why in the valley of death should I weep,
Or alone in this wilderness rove?
He looks, and ten thousand of angels rejoice,
And myriads now wait for His word.
He speaks, and eternity, filled with His voice,
Re-echoes the praise of the Lord.
Dear Shepherd, I hear, and will follow Thy call,
I know the sweet sound of Thy voice.
Protect and defend me, for Thou art my all,
And in Thee I will ever rejoice.

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.  Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them. (Psalm 127:3-5a).