I Spent $730!

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I am one of your readers on this website. I have been reading your series on the gifts of the Lord. I have been praying seeking God ‘s help and asking him what my gifts are and asking for a deeper relationship with him.

Well, the story I am about to tell you is true. Yesterday I went for an appointment to get skin treatments. I told my husband I was going but I did not tell him how much I was going to spend. After my skin treatment was over, I had spent $730. As I was driving to my next appointment, I was thinking to myself and coming up with a plan as to tell my husband that the treatment was experimental, and I was getting it for free because the nurse was a close friend. She was a good friend, that’s true. 

However, I was not getting, nor did I get this treatment for free. Not that it mattered to my husband, but I was cooking up this scheme in my head to say to him when I got home because I was very red, and it looked like I got something pretty aggressive done. Mind you I go monthly. It’s a vice of mine.

Now that said I was spending it out of my own money because we have separate accounts. He would never know how much I spent. Well as I arrived at my next appointment I went to pay for the service. It was an eye appointment, and I was buying new glasses. The receptionist took my credit card looked down at it and said is this your card? I looked at the card and realized that it was actually my husbands!!

I had used this credit card to pay for the skin care that I was going to tell him I had gotten for free. I was mortified. I quickly called my husband and told him about what I did and how I accidentally used his card. I told him how much that I would write him a check for. Though he was not upset in the least I felt terrible for even thinking about lying to him.

I tell this experience because I believe the Lord was reprimanding me for thinking about deceiving my husband with respect to how much I was going to spend on my skin. He quickly taught me a lesson and corrected my behavior. This deception was sin and I am so thankful to the Lord for holding me accountable for it.

I believe He taught me this lesson to keep me on the right path in finding my spiritual gifts. I think this is valuable for everyone to be aware of God’s reprimand when you do or are even thinking about sin as little as it may be.

Listen, be aware and be alert to His teachings and scolding’s (in my case), He’s our Father and will correct when He’s planning bigger things for us!!!

For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?  (1 Peter 4:17).