And God Said...

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Lamb’s Book of Life

Children of My heart:  As I have said, do not rejoice over the power and gifts I give freely to My own, but have joy in the knowledge that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.  Take heed that you do not forget this fact, dwell here and now with Me.  Remember, seek Me not the gift I work through you.  For I am the One who uses it, you can ask but I am still the author. 

Now, the gifts and calling are irrevocable and My word to you stands.  Use the gifts with faith that is the key that opens the door to the gifts I have given.  Remember, be careful not to act carelessly with the gifts.  Be humble.

He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.  I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."  (Luke 10:18-20).

“And do not be called teachers, for One is your Teacher, the Christ.  Be he who is greatest among you shall be your servant, and whoever exalts himself will be abased and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”  (Matthew 23:10-12).

A Door Was Opened to Me 

Stay humble to be used mightily by Me; as I have said in the past this is not a work of your hands, but Mine.  I will come upon you again in power and strength of my Holy Spirit to fill you afresh and you will grow into the calling I have set (established) for you, to do a mighty work for the kingdom.  It will happen soon enough, wait on Me as I continue to develop your gift mix; with trials and testing that will come – you have no need to be afraid though for I am watching over you for good and not for harm.  Be content in that.

2 Corinthians 2:12…a door was opened to me by the Lord. 

Extended Life Cycle

I am speaking to you as you have asked and sought Me. Did you not know that all the words I have spoken have an extended life cycle and expectancy? I know you are learning but learn this lesson of great price. The words I have spoken which seem not to have been fulfilled is a sense of your own perception. For eye has not seen nor ear heard all that I plan and purpose through the words spoken forth. There has been a misunderstanding on your part in reference to the fulfillment of the words.

I have purposed the words to unfold slowly over time and yet, when they do completely unfold, you will behold them as none before as I will open your eyes of understanding. Hence, until it unfolds completely, the meaning is unknown to all, yes, even to your eyes.  For you truly see through a glass dimly.

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith…  (Romans 12:6).

See, I have told you beforehand.  (Matthew 24:25).

I Call My People to Ask Me

There will be many confusing signs, and many will use their own strength; their own intellect, their own opinions to sort out the display.  Yet I call My people to ask Me!  To seek My favor in the land of the living, to seek My answers to the plight of the world.  For great the plight will be, and many will grow cold waiting for My return.  But you, keep coming back to Me. 

Now, do not let your heart be troubled at the reports you will hear, for all is under My control, yea, all is under My control.  In that day and in that hour, I will fulfill what I have spoken, spoken of from of old.  See, I am the Ancient of Days and My time has come.  I will be revealed in all the earth; a Praise to be reckoned with.  This is just the beginning; a time of great sorrow has come and will lead to further wrath.  But purification is never easy; never thought to purify when it happens. 

I say to you, the time draws near for the curtain to be lifted and all will lift their heads to see the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!  Behold, it is I.  Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen.

For as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven, so also the Son of Man will be in His day. But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. (Luke 17:24-27).

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

My children of the Light:  Be not dismayed at the judgment that has befallen your land; yes, your country is under siege.  Yet, if it were not for My Spirit, all hope would be lost.  But I say to you, I am your Hope, I am your Light, I am your Joy. 

Though the days are dark, you will know where your comfort comes from, it is I, Christ Jesus.  My Spirit fills the whole earth and is ready to act when I speak.  So, speak to Me, My children and I will freely give you, My Spirit.  The Spirit of Truth will guide your prayers; the Spirit of Truth will lead you in the path of righteousness.  The call has gone out, now go forth in prayer to this lost and dying country. 

Fulfill My call on your lives.  Be brave soldiers of faith for I am with you.  In your midst this very hour.  Go in peace and comfort those I call you to.  The Father loves you.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.  (Philemon 3-6). 

In Patience Possess Your Soul

This charge I commit to you…according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience. (1 Timothy 1:18-19a).

See, I have spoken into your life, time and time again.  Yet, you tend to wallow in unbelief.  I say to you today, where is your faith?  I have given you a mighty faith to wage warfare so stand firm child of the Living God and be counted among My mighty.  Those who have received the hope of their calling by waiting patiently for My Spirit to come upon them in power and truth. 

My spirit will lead you into all righteousness and teach you of the things to come.  I have not abandoned you nor your purpose in Me.  It is not complete, and you are in a place set aside by Me for further learning.  There must come a time of silence before Me, where you learn to yearn for Me to speak to you, otherwise My voice can become as idol to you. 

Child, your calling is too great for that.  I have brought you along your path of righteousness slowly, methodically and I am faithful to keep you on this path until I call you home to be by My side.  Doubt not your calling, though it is dormant for a time.  My gifts and calling on your life are irrevocable.  See, I am a good God, a holy God, a God who clearly sees My purpose in you.  Doubt not, I say again.  Be whole in Me and know that your future is secure. 

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29).

By your patience possess your souls. (Luke 21:19).

Many Are the Days

In the latter days there will be revival.  A revival of renowned proportion to where all who are called by My name and those who have fallen away will return. 

The Shepard is calling, the Lamb that was slain is returning.  I alone know their hearts and minds, they belong to Me. 

In the latter days, there will fall like rain, My Spirit on My people and they will be quenched with My power. Power from on High to accomplish My mighty works. 

The time draws near, be prepared.  BE ALERT. 

My Angelic Host

I am not slack about performing My words I have spoken, and all the angels line up in obedience to do My bidding. So it is that I have called on My Angelic Host to be about My business. And so, it is of My elect. My Host serves you at My spoken word. For you have no idea of all that has been accomplished by the hands of My Host, the angels who always wait to hear My voice. They wait for My voice. They are attentive to My vows.

This is how it is today. Even now, as I have or will speak to you child, the angels assigned to you and to those who will inherit My salvation are poised to do My work on your behalf. Be exceedingly glad for in heaven that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14).

There is no doubt. I am ever watching over My word to perform it. If it were not so, I would never have spoken to you. But speak I did. I spoke into your ears as I have tuned them to My heavenly channel. My voice is the airwave that you prefer, as I have created you to hear Me.

See to it to do as I say and stay near to hear My voice to your waiting and listening ears.  Practice this today. Hear Me speak in the conversations you have this day. I will be found by you. 

There is much to come. 

So much more that ear has not heard, nor eye yet seen all that I plan for My beloved.  I count you among My beloveds. Stay close to hear My voice to you, a knowing in your spirit, a whisper in your ear; a fleeting thought passing through your mind’s eye. 

It is good to wait upon the Lord’s moving.

Be not surprised if I open the heavens to you; to hear My voice with more clarity; to see visions and to have dreams overcome you and come upon you.  I have been waiting to fulfill My word to you, I know you have wanted this for a long time.  The time is soon here for Me to perform My word.  Now, will you be found faithful?

Fear the FORECASTER, not the forecast!

You are in need of a break between the mundane and the magnificent.

A break between what your eyes can see and what can be seen with the eyes of faith.  A break from the old ways, the old wineskin and the new wine that can only be contained in a new wineskin…I will visit with power from on high, that will be your visitation.

Exhortation from the Lord: I am training you to hear.  This is My training ground for you.  Be patient and do not be dismayed at the nay-sayers, they will always be around.  Satan uses them to trip you, to confuse you, be aware of his traps.  Yet I am raising you to understanding and hearing with clarity.

Serve Me as you would no one else, for I am the Lord, your God and I desire you to please Me.  Keep close to hear My words to you, the truth I impart is needed.  Needed in this troubled age to cut through the deception the enemy has laid for you.  He is wise, yet I am wiser, he is swift, yet I am swifter, he is deadly, yet I am Life!  See to it that you are not deceived, child.  Bring all to Me in prayer and I will direct your steps, now go in peace for you belong to Me.

For she shall not much remember the days of her life, because God keeps her occupied with the joy of her heart. (Ecc. 5:20).

This is My heart towards you that I will occupy; that I will fill and that I will keep you busy with the joy of your heart. 

With gladness of heart, I created you. I created you to praise Me, I created you to sing of My praises and to pray before Me all the days of your life! 

As it was in the beginning, so it shall be in the end, My name will be a praise in all the earth, and I will not give My glory to another.

Miracles Do Come True, and They Can Happen to You!