Lion From The Tribe of Judah (from Bella)

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May 16, 2021

“I was in Heaven. I was there with others including my two Great Pyrenees.  We were all chatting, having a nice visit when a giant Lion came to me.  A male with a huge mane and powerful body.  He laid down beside me and allowed me to pet Him and to hug His mane. The Lion was so soft to the touch.

No one else in the group went to pet Him; they were too afraid, but He was gentle to me.  The air smelled of a lovely sweet perfume and clouds of soft pastel colors lay around us.  It was so unbelievably comforting and wonderful.  The dream was two days ago and I still feel it.  I bought a set of aromatherapy candles to try to recreate the scent…they’re lovely, but can’t compare.  They are too of this world.”

Though the author of this dream is Bella, I have a sense that the Lion she encountered was Jesus, the Lion from the tribe of Judah.  How marvelous to picture Him in this Saint’s dream.