Sand Mountain ~ The place of Gods’ glory in & through large trials.
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I am having a season of mountain dreams this year. They began with a dream of an impassable mountain which is posted under Promise Mountain along with the Lord’s unbelievable answer to that mountain. Another mountain situation happened a short time after, I will now share with you.
Here we go. I was looking at our pool and I had finished cleaning it. It was pristine and as beautiful as ever. I moved to the east side of the pool and jumped down a small embankment. The jump turned into a fall which was farther than I thought. I seemed to keep falling. Once I stopped, I found myself in sand.
I looked around to view a vast plain of sand surrounded by snow-capped mountains. The mountains were steep and a good distance from where I stood. I walked to the edge of the sandy plain facing north. Looking over the edge (YIKES!), I was actually on the very top of the highest peak. It must’ve been 10,000 feet high with a sheer drop down.
I carefully stepped back from the edge, being so surprised that I was actually at the top of a mountain because of the sand (desert) I was in. That was it.
I asked God if the dream was from Him to give me a verse with mountain in it, He did. Exodus 25:40: Be sure that you make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain. And finally, Isaiah 2:10 Enter into the rock, and hide in the dust, from the terror of the Lord and the glory of His majesty.
Well, this dream could have two meanings or better yet, a combined revelation. Like a coin, an upside and a downside. This message is from the Lord, it is hopeful yet instructive. Let’s start with the pool. I built it in 2008 in preparation for the coming revival. A swimming pool is also indicative of spiritual activity. So, my pool is clean and ready to go as I wait for the Lord to pour out His Spirit.
Next, I jumped ‘down’ as in regression, falling farther than I thought it would have been and found myself in sand. The color was tan symbolizing barrenness, dry times and sand…drudgery or walking with difficulty. The jumping is important because it can mean jumping to a conclusion and down, a humbling trial. Easy enough, this denotes my emotions in my continuing affliction. Seemingly vast like a desert plain☹
I was surrounded by mountains (exalted, obstacle and the place of God’s glory) with snow (meaning His Word, pure grace) on them. I walked north (heavenly) and looked over the edge to realize I was on the top of the highest peak. It was 10,000 feet high. “10,000 means something very large, expansive. It can also mean a very difficult trial—large insurmountable problems that simply won’t go away, giant problems such as Israel faced when challenged by Goliath, but not too big for God.” Milligan, Ira L., The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream.
I cautiously stepped back from the edge, a precipice I could have easily fallen off of or so I thought. Certainly, our emotions can get the best of us as we think we will fall (from life’s challenges); but the Lord’s grace surrounds us like the mountains. His foundation is in the holy mountains. Psalm 87:1.
The whole area surrounding the mountaintop is most holy. Behold, this is the law of the temple. Ezekiel 43:12.
But there is more to this dream’s meaning. Being at the top of the mountain meant God’s glory but it is also terrifying to be at the top of the mountain in His presence. Like Isaiah 2:10: Hide in the dust (sand) from the terror of the Lord and from the splendor of His majesty. Hence, we are to ‘work out our salvation with fear and trembling’ (Phil. 2:12b).
The other verse I was given reveals further revelation. Exodus 25:40 (ERV) “Be very careful to make everything exactly the way I showed you on the mountain.” This verse means to me that I must do exactly as I am told (or will be told) on the mountain and in the sand of my situation. It was on the mountain where the Lord tested Abraham. Genesis 22:2 Then He said, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”
Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? Psalm 24:3.
Interestingly in 2008, I built our pool per the instructions given to me by the Lord at that time; even down to the tiles lining the pool. Remember, the pool was built for the coming revival as I am to have baptisms in it! In addition, God told me: “If you build it, they will come”, when I was deciding to build this website in 2021.
Around the same time as this dream, I received confirmation from Sapphires of Hope, Message #1272 - Preparing for the Glory:
“In the Bible, God told His people to build the Tabernacle. He gave exact instructions. So, they built it exactly as God said. Then He came; the glory of God came. In the Book of Kings, they built the Temple according to exact instructions, and the glory of God came and so filled the Temple that they had to get out. Ezekiel also describes how the temple was built to exact specifications and then speaks about the glory of God coming.
When the disciples obeyed the Lord's instructions to tarry in Jerusalem, the glory came as a rushing mighty wind. If God's people hadn't done it the way God said, the glory wouldn't have come. He wouldn't have come. The point is this: obey God and do exactly what He says.
Follow God to the best of your ability, mind, heart and strength, and He will come. The blessings will come, the victory will come, the Spirit will come, and the glory will come. If you do exactly what He says, He will come.”
The lessons I glean from Sand Mountain are that I have jumped to a conclusion about my regression and obstacles because they are actually, the place of Gods’ glory in and through large trials. I have learned to walk in sand, to keep progressing through the weight of it.
Even though I feel like I have fallen and landed in the drudgery of my situation; I am surrounded by mountains of His glory. And not only that, but I am really on top of Gods’ Mountain where He can reach and teach me easily from heaven.
He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a howling wilderness; He encircled him, He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye. Deuteronomy 32:10.
Lastly, when receiving instruction from Him while on the mountain of adversity, if I follow God to the best of my ability, the glory will come.