Raining Fire! The Result of Learning God’s Word
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I want to share an experience with you that my little sister Wendy had recently. These dreams are a direct result of learning the Lord’s Word as I explained in the Hearing God’s Series. The Lord is starting to share His heart with her as she spends time with Him.
In her own words: “I have been studying the book of Isaiah and have gotten through Isaiah 1 - 8. The Lord is angry and talks of judgement on those that are in defiance, those worshiping idols, and doing wicked things. Since reading this book, I have started to have dreams involving weather and fire.
The first dream was about a massive tornado. I was in a house when I looked outside and saw a huge tornado outside about to descend on the house. I realized that I was not alone. My momma was there, and we both escaped to a small crawl space to hide from the tornado. It never struck us.
As I continued with the book of Isaiah, I had another dream several days later. In this dream I was in my house with my husband. We were watching football on television. The crowd watching the game started looking up at the sky and were reacting to something they were seeing. They were afraid.
I then looked outside and saw fire rain coming down from the sky. This is what everyone was seeing. The only thing I said was: “There is no place for you here, Satan. The Lord Jesus Christ lives in this house”. I kept saying that over and over again until I finally woke up.”
After Wendy sent me the dreams, I went to prayer. I received scripture then, a sense of what was falling from the heavens. Fire and brimstone. Yikes! I believe the dreams are prophetic. I feel this way because she was studying Isaiah, a prophetic book.
I will tread lightly on the interpretation because these are not my dreams. I will let the Holy Spirit guide the meaning for all of us. That means when I don’t have an explanation…I want the Spirit of God to illuminate our minds. With that disclaimer, let me begin.
In both cases, she was safe at home. Home is where the heart is, and our home/heart is in Jesus. In addition, she was watching the disasters unfold on television and/or out of windows. This means a prophetic view. Out a window is akin to looking into the future. And television (tele vision, two words) is symbolic of the prophetic a.k.a. visionary that ‘sees’ over a long distance (time or spiritual space).
www.merriam-webster.com definition: Tele- is a versatile prefix that generally refers to covering distances. It is most often seen in the words telephone or television, which carry sound or images over long distances.
Tornado is indicative of great danger. If a tornado is sighted, and the dreamer is unharmed means God’s protection in the day of calamity. Now, watching football is being entertained, a rather carefree life. The people in the stadium are living a carefree life until something comes from the heavens. Remember too, football is America’s (national) sport.
I sense what she saw falling in the sky was fire and brimstone. But perhaps raining fire could indicate revival fire. Either way it’s coming from heaven and fire means judgment, or the passion of revival. Wendy was scared and started rebuking Satan which I don’t quite understand since when asked, she didn’t sense a demon present. Could be the evil of our time she was reacting to.
I heard “They see the truth as a lie.” And the first verses I was led to, Isaiah 30:30: The Lord will cause His glorious voice to be heard, and show the descent of His arm, with the indignation of His anger and the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, tempest, and hailstones.
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness…who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (Romans 1:18, 25).
A day later, more prayer for the interpretation and I received another scripture. You will be punished by the Lord of hosts with thunder and earthquake and great noise, with storm and tempest and the flame of devouring fire. (Isaiah 29:6). To add confirmation to my theory of the dreams meaning, Isaiah 29:6 references the Isaiah 30:30 verse I was given the prior night. This is an example of scripture looping (God confirming His word to me) I mentioned before in a previous post.
I believe that the Lord is finding my sister a willing listener as she empathizes with Him. I’m not sure though if what she has seen will be manifested on the earth or if it is God opening His heart to her. It could be both. As I have said in the past, time will test it out. God will be a Shelter for His people and surely, it is a good thing to be a friend of the Lord.
“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. (Malachi 4:1).