Ministry Offices ~ The Fingers of God ~ Apostles

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I mentioned in my introduction to the Ministry Offices that “there are nine ministries: Apostles; Prophets; Evangelists; Pastors; Teachers (the fivefold ministry); and then there are Helps; Government; Miracles; and Healing.”

Ministry gifts or offices are "set" in the Church by God; they are people called and anointed to the Lord’s ministry.  And for what purpose?  For the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.  (Ephesians 4:12-13).  It is a ministry given to bless the whole of God’s Church, the Body of Christ.

We will look at each of the ministry offices.  I will lay out the attributes and functions of each office.  And also, what gifts of the Holy Spirit operate consistently for each ministry to function in the body.  Then, how they all work together for the profit of the whole body to create the grip of God.  Today, we will look at apostles.

The Office of Apostle ~ The Greek word translated “apostle” means a messenger, a sent one, or a commissioned one.  As you will see I am not talking about apostles in the sense of the first twelve apostles who Jesus appointed while He walked on the earth.  I found this explanation enlightening:

“The Apostles of the Lamb are in a class by themselves. No one else can ever be in that class because there are no more Apostles of the Lamb.” In the Book of Revelation, the Word of God talks about the twelve Apostles of the Lamb. Revelation 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve FOUNDATIONS, and in them the names of the twelve APOSTLES OF THE LAMB. There are only twelve Apostles of the Lamb. And no one except the twelve apostles who companied with Jesus will ever stand in that class of apostle. The Apostles of the Lamb were sent ones for a specific time and purpose.” *

We know that there were other apostles after the Apostles of the Lamb.  For instance, Paul held such an office.  He helped lay the foundation and gospel of the New Testament.  He and others during that time were anointed to secure the structure for the Church Age.  And there is no further adding to the Gospel.  So, with that said, what is the role of the apostle today? 

If we use the original definition of apostle meaning a messenger or sent one, it would be any person anointed and called to bring a special message to a group of people; to start a new work or church.  To fulfill a purpose for God.  For instance, missionaries if sent by the Holy Spirit are apostles.  Those that are called to this office are also usually preachers and teachers of the Word.  “A true missionary is a sent one by the Holy Ghost with a message to people in certain countries. Marvelous things happen in those countries as a result of some of these ministries.” *

The Office of Apostle could also be held by one with another ministry office such as pastor, if they are called to start a new church for God.  Or they could be called to go deliver a new message to believers in various locations.  “Actually, throughout church history, God has raised up people and sent them to spearhead revivals and to do other mighty works for Him. And in that sense, we could probably legitimately call them apostles.” *

Like a thumb on a hand, the apostle is the first digit…in other words, the first to start a work for God!  The hand cannot grip correctly without the thumb.  Apostles are still in the Church today.

What gifts of the Holy Spirit operate consistently in the apostle? 

According to 2 Corinthians 12:12: Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds.  What are the gifts operating consistently in an apostle?  Signs wonders and mighty deeds!  In addition, the fruit of the Spirit must be mature in such an office.  2 Corinthians 12:11 For in nothing was I behind the most eminent apostles, though I am nothing.  Humility, perseverance, etc. “You see, the work of a true apostle will include not only the fruit of the Spirit, but it will also be displayed by his concern for the upbuilding of the Body of Christ — Submission is an important characteristic.” *

The apostle brings forth first fruits; the first fruits of God.  Their ministry is a type of ‘roving’ ministry, while they seek to prepare the way of the Lord.  As they mature in their calling, the apostle will operate in all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.  In addition, the fruit of the Spirit becomes strongly evident as they grow into the fullness of the office. 

I have been blessed to know three apostles so far in my life, all of whom the fruit of the Spirit is gloriously matured.  Signs, wonders and mighty deeds follow each apostle I know.  Of the three apostles I have a relationship with, two walk in all five offices of the fivefold ministry. 

“If God calls you to be an apostle, He will supernaturally equip you. But you won’t start out in that office. God has His way of doing things. Although you won’t be able to enter immediately into the ministry God has for you, you can prepare yourself through studying the Word and preparing your heart. If you are faithful in the time of preparation to study God’s Word to show yourself approved, in God’s time, step by step, He will move you into the ministry He has for you.

You must also prepare yourself for your high calling in Christ by separation from the things of the world that hold you back from the things of God. Sometimes you need to lay aside those things that are not necessarily sin, but they take up valuable time. The Lord is looking for those who will dedicate themselves wholly to Him for His use. It is as we present our bodies as living sacrifices and renew our minds with the Word of God that God can use us fully”. *

* Hagin, Kenneth E., He Gave Gifts Unto Me

Please see "The Work of an Apostle" for a real-life example of an apostle.  Stay with me as we seek to understand this crucial ministry calling.