Jeans Drying for Monday

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I am posting this dream because it involves Pastor Vincent and Patricia whom I featured for the Office of Pastor/Teacher.  It shows the Lord’s use of prophetic dreams which unfold over many years concerning a calling.  Here is the dream.

I was in a house with other bedrooms, one occupied by pastors Vincent and Patricia (pastors who taught me much about spiritual warfare; deliverance of evil spirits).  The house had a brilliant white interior with modern angles, no furniture.

I left my bedroom (it was the dead of night) with a pair of blue jeans hanging on my arm that I had to hang outside to dry for the morning (Monday).  But I sensed the enemy outside in the dark and I heard him in my head, so I searched for a place to dry my jeans within the hallways of the house for the morning.  I walked around the house alone with my jeans, hearing the enemy’s shrill noises, feeling his presence.  I spoke the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth while walking in the house.  I was determined to get my jeans dried for the morning. 

Upon waking, I heard “The Lord is raising up His Army.”  The interpretation fell into place when I discovered the symbol for jeans; jeans mean work and completing your calling.  The jeans are washed from my old God job and just needed to be dried for a new job in the morning.  A job within the Lord’s Army.

Revelation 3:13-14 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God..."

In the house were the pastors who trained me in spiritual warfare and whom God has shown me are end-time prophets.  It was dark outside, the nighttime, meaning the dark time we are going through before the morning comes (revival and brighter days).  The warning was clear: the enemy will hound me in my head (depression, etc.) and I will have to invoke the name of Jesus to rebuke him until the new day comes.

A short time later Wanda Rust (who herself came to me in a dream) gave me a message: “The affliction will not stand against you (the ALS diagnosis); God wanted you to contact me.  You are in a training process; you will know how to move and to stand on the word of God.  God is raising up an Army to go before Him (He has allowed her to see the Army being raised up).” 

Right before she gave this word from God, I had another army dream.  I will leave that for another time as my point is to highlight how God weaves a similar thread throughout the years of a believer’s ministry.   

Tied together in this dream is Pastor Vincent (who is also in the 10:10 end-time dream under this Archive); the army theme and a new day approaching.  It is my belief that Pastor Vincent, Patricia, Wanda and I are in this end-time Army of the Lord soon to be set to marching. 

Do you see how the Lord uses dreams over time, so we are able to piece together His calling on our lives?  I hope so and even more that you are paying attention to your dreams!  Perhaps you have been enlisted, too!