10:10 Prophetic Dreams with Pastor Vincent

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To emphasize the pastoral/prophetic ministry that Pastor Vincent walks in, I want to mention two prophetic 10:10 dreams which predicted the imminent fulfillment of the event a few months before it happened.  I had finished writing and publishing my first book, when I experienced dreams where God confirmed the event that I have been waiting for since 2007. 

In the first dream, I was with a group of people. I walked through a doorway and closed the door.  I was at a table with Pastor Vincent sitting on my left. I was informing him about the 10:10 subject when I turned to the right to look at the clock on the wall and it said 10:10. 

The direction of Vincent and the clock is important in this dream.  Left symbolizes God’s strength or ability demonstrated through people’s weakness (spiritually speaking); while right indicates the power of God revealed through flesh (naturally speaking).  To me it means a spiritual event brought to pass in the physical realm.

See, I have told you beforehand. (Matthew 24;25).

In the second dream a few months later, Vincent was teaching me on 10:10, the end times and Revelation 3:13-14.  Upon waking I looked up Rev. 3:13-14 and in my bible was written May 2016 'dream'.  I went to my journal and in May 2016 a dream called Jeans Drying for Monday had Vincent and Patricia (his wife) in the dream.  The scripture I received for the dream was Revelation 3:13-14 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God..."

Jeans Drying for Monday: Jeans Drying for Monday – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com)

The 10:10 phenomena had been happening to me since 2007 when God asked me to pray for revival.  It is also Chapter 10 in my book on Revival.  I find it fascinating that the more recent dream pulled in another dream from 2016.  I contacted Vincent’s wife with this information and her incredible response is below:

Patricia’s response: “That is quite interesting. What is most interesting is that on this morning ‘s radio broadcast Pastor was ministering on the church in Laodicea (Rev. 3:13-14). He did not see your text to me about the dream. We will keep this in prayer and see if we get any further details. Boy is God speaking to you loud and clear. Hmm.”

A short time after the two dreams, the 10:10 phenomenon was brought to fruition in 2020.  The story about the dramatic event can be read here:  10:10 Mystery Prophecy Fulfilled – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com)

In addition, the saga continues as I now see 10:10 as a time of national judgment leading up to revival.  I have said that time will test out our prophecies and this one is no different.  What I thought was a singular event appears more to be a timeline of events playing out.  It continues to this day.