Chapter 4 ~ Spiritual Justice
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The night before 10/10/20, I awoke numerous times to Isaiah 9:10 and heard “HIS HAND IS STRETCHED OUT STILL”. I know this verse in Isaiah as the harbingers verse. A harbinger being: “Something that foreshadows a future event; something that gives an anticipatory sign of what is to come”. What are You going to do, Lord? I asked. I received Isaiah 48:3: “I have declared the former things from the beginning; they went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.”
The mystery prophecy of 10:10 was solved on that day in 2020. Read the account under The Archives & Library, Miracles & Fulfilled Prophecy ~ 10:10 Mystery Prophecy Fulfilled. 10:10 Mystery Prophecy Fulfilled – Believe Miracles Are for Today (
Ten days after 10/10/20, I began feeling tingling in my right hand/arm. It bothered me to the point that I began thinking could this be God? Remember I had heard “His Hand is stretched out still”. Then, another address Psalm 110:5-6: “The Lord is at Your right hand; He shall execute kings in the day of His wrath. He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill the places with dead bodies, He shall execute the heads of many countries.”
I want to remind you what the number ten represents. Ten means to measure (for the purpose of accepting or rejecting that which is measured), try/trial or to be tested, temptation. Keep this meaning in mind as God reveals His purpose in the multiples of ten (i.e., ten days, date of 10/10, etc.).
I asked for one more confirmation that my buzzing was of God. He graciously gave me Isaiah 5:25: “Therefore the anger of the Lord is aroused against His people; He has stretched out His hand against them and stricken them...For all this His anger is not turned away, BUT HIS HAND IS STRETCHED OUT STILL.” Ok, He was speaking. Once I received confirmation it was of Him, my tingling subsided and went away.
After participating via simulcast with the Return, Prayer Walk on Washington and Revival 4 Survival events, I had a strange sense of letdown. I prayed about my disappointment which I couldn’t understand because I was joyful that the events even took place. What was going on? Then, I realized what was missing. There were only a few leaders who spoke at each event who repented themselves in front of the audience. Mainly, the leaders told us (the sheep) to repent and return. My agitation was confirmed by the Lord.
“My anger burns against the shepherds, and I will punish the leaders; for the LORD Almighty will care for his flock…” Zechariah 10:3.
I sense that what is needed to bring in revival is not so much the repentance of the sheep (though this has a part in it); but the visual repentance of the shepherds in front of their sheep. And if this doesn’t happen, if our Christian leaders miss what the Lord God is requesting then He will bring it Himself.
With that said and the end-time revival rolling down the tracks soon to arrive, I believe the Lord will clean up His church first. “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17.
There are those who speak frequently of ‘social’ justice today. Instead of ‘social’ justice, I believe the Lord is going to bring about ‘spiritual’ justice. I think God will be setting straight what man (in the church) has set wrong.
“You have a mighty arm; strong is Your hand, and high is Your right hand. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face.” Psalm 89:13-14.
“Clouds and darkness surround Him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. A fire goes before Him, and burns up His enemies round about. His lightnings light the world; the earth sees and trembles. The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. The heavens declare His righteousness, and all the peoples see His glory.” Ps. 97:2-6.
Let me reiterate what I said, “There are those who speak frequently of ‘social’ justice today. Instead of ‘social’ justice, I believe the Lord is going to bring about ‘spiritual’ justice. I think God will be setting straight what man (in the church) has set wrong.”
From my prayer journal: “Daughter, hear My words. I have purposed a hammer to those who speak to My people falsely; those who err in prophesying lies to My own; those who are puffed up with arrogance in believing they have the word of the Lord. Believe Me when I tell you that judgment begins in the house of the Lord. And today, there are many who stand on the precipice of that judgment.
For there have gone out lying spirits to the mouths of the mighty orators of your time. Justice and righteousness have been perverted and I will call all into account for their blasphemous ways. The end is nearing; I am preparing My bride for My return. I am always ready to perform My word. You be ready when I call.”
“Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles. He will not cry out, nor raise His voice, nor cause His voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring forth justice for truth. He will not fail nor be discouraged, till He has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands shall wait for His law.” Isaiah 42:1-4.
I recently read a fascinating predictive article written by Dale Partridge about the future of the Lord’s church: How the Coronavirus Might Change the Local Church, Forever – Faith Wire:
“Ultimately, the Coronavirus is transforming human culture and, when human culture shifts, things change. I say all this because self-preservation is blinding. Our innocent hope for things to ‘remain as they are’ is often a not-so-innocent front for what’s lurking behind—the protection of self. As a pastor, any desire for the church to remain as she is cannot be in alignment with God’s plan for an ever-growing, ever-developing, and ever-moving bride.
Pastors, it’s my opinion that God is using the Coronavirus...I believe God is purifying His church, growing His church, and possibly initiating a new cultural era for His church. Let me explain.
When we think of the word ‘disruptive’ it generates visions of disorderly interjection by some foreign party or person…But the Lord has been using divine disruption as a tool to cleanse and reorient His people throughout the Scriptures. In fact, every single divine intervention in the life of a prophet, priest, king, judge, or apostle disrupted and reoriented their lives in a magnificent way…Ultimately, the Scriptures are a convincing example that God’s will is disruptive to human plans…”
I am reminded of a dream I had weeks before the pandemic was declared. In the brief but memorable dream, I was outside. It was dark with stormy skies. I saw a huge rainbow cross in the sky. The same rainbow cross I have on my book cover. But it took up the whole dark sky. It was hardly noticeable as the dark skies clouded the brilliance of the cross. In the dream, I thought it to be the sign of the Son of Man coming in the sky.
The prophetic significance of the dream is clear. The current time our country finds itself in is dark, gloomy like the sky in the dream. But behind the clouds is the brilliance of the cross hardly noticeable by the chaos and turmoil of our national crises. The Lord will part the skies to reveal the magnificence of the cross somehow during this dark time. He will bring spiritual justice. May it start in our churches to establish His name in all the earth.