Chapter 8 ~ Covenant Dreams

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You may be wondering why I am resurrecting the covenant from years ago now, and I did too.  But God visited me in a dream to revive what was initiated in 2007.   The dream was puzzling at first until the Holy Spirit opened my eyes when asked. 

Taunya, Again?

In the dream I was lying on a bed with my husband.  But it wasn’t our bed or house; it belonged to my former boss (Taunya) who ceased being my boss in 2007.  Upon waking I heard the Lord say, “The sure mercies of David”.  Then I received the scripture address: “Incline your ear and come to Me, hear and your soul shall live and I will make an everlasting COVENANT with you, the sure mercies of David.” (Isaiah 55:3).

I thought why is Taunya in my dream again?  Over the years, she has appeared in previous God dreams, and now this one.  As I pondered why, I felt the Holy Spirit say: “She stopped being your boss in 2007, the same time you stopped writing the covenant.”  Ah ha!  In my dreams, Taunya represents the covenant yet to be fulfilled.  Do you see the symbolism here?  Without God’s help, I would have never figured that out.  In fact, Taunya has been in six significant God dreams since 2014 representing the covenant that is following me over time.  This revelation has helped me discern the representation of other people I see in my dreams…what that person means to me especially if they are someone from my past.

Continuing with the interpretation, bed also symbolizes covenant, so does marriage.  Bobby and I are in bed but Taunya’s bed- the unfulfilled covenant.  Bed likewise connotes rest, and we are resting, waiting for the fulfillment of His promises.  Notice that covenant is confirmed three times in the dream:  Bobby and I being married; a bed at Taunya’s house; and Isaiah 55:3 (the scripture I heard upon waking).  Three is symbolic for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…the Trinity.  Three similarly means to ‘conform’ as in agreement.  In addition, divine fullness or restoration, and Godhead confirmation of things that have become complete.

I also received a second scripture address at the end of the dream: “Blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” (Luke 1:45).  Unbelievably, this verse is contained in the 2007 Covenant as well which I didn’t realize until I looked up the covenant again after the dream was given to me!

I sense that the book My Sister’s Walk with God which was published by Covenant Books, Inc. has started the fulfillment of the 2007 Covenant.  In addition, this current blog being written will record the outcome of the covenant and its promises.  I am confident in my spirit that the reinstitution of the covenant and the publishing of my first book by ‘COVENANT’ Books is God’s confirmation to me. 

When the Lord started confirming my 2007 covenant was still in play, I dreamed another dream that struck a myriad of emotions in me.  I call it the Keeper of the Wardrobe dream.  

Keeper of The Wardrobe

In the dream, I found myself with a bag that contained my Bible. I presented it to a kind woman at a counter who was similar to a Registrar or Recorder.  She showed me a date on a piece of paper stamped December 3rd through the 6th.   I did not see a year. I thought why a range of dates instead of one date?  I did not receive an answer.  I was to leave my bible with her for copying but I just couldn't part with it.

In the final scene, I had left the Registrar’s presence and I found that she had sent a number of beautiful dresses ahead for me to use for a future occasion.  I saw the lovely springtime (stunningly colored) dresses hanging in my closet.  Upon waking I heard ‘Keeper of the Wardrobe’.  Her title was definitive.

I asked the Lord who this female heavenly being was besides her title.  He said she’s a Watcher dispatched from heaven to warn me but also to provide hope of a new wardrobe (job) in the future.  Why warn me?  Because 3 months after this dream, I was barraged with three uncomfortable dreams about the pastor I wrote about in chapter nine of my book.  In addition, a beloved friend of many years turned against me during this three-day time period that December.

“I saw in the visions of my head while on my bed, and there was a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven.”  (Daniel 4:12).

I did not go into detail how this weakness has changed my life in my previous book.  I have not mentioned that with this affliction has come a deflation to my sense of purpose.  Most who will read this will not be able to relate to my words.  But to those among you who have experienced an altering physical event, you understand.  God understands, He weeps with us.

With that said, over the last few years I could not wear a lot of clothes in my closet.  Now mind you, I love clothes and for the entirety of my corporate career I was clothes obsessed.  Yes, I admit it.  I was smitten with being a ‘clothes horse’!  My wardrobe was an idol to me.  I had always been known for my fashion style and not ever wearing the same ‘outfit’ twice.  Though I did wear my clothes more than once, I always accessorized differently so it appeared as a ‘new’ outfit.  I enjoyed clothes.  It was my most relished hobby.

Nevertheless, you can understand why the dream was so precious to me.  I believe the Lord is aware of my current inadequacies in this department, He also knows my heart’s desires.  So, to meet the Keeper of the Wardrobe and for her to send ahead into the future a new feminine wardrobe is poignant. 

Is the title Keeper of the Wardrobe biblical I wondered?  There are a few references to the Keeper of the Wardrobe in scripture, most relate to those appointed to clothe kings and priests.  It is my assumption though that the Keeper I met is in heaven and sent by God for my new assignment that is on the horizon. 

I have had numerous dreams of me changing clothes.  Or needing to change clothes but not sure what to change into in each dream.  I have also had dreams of wearing new dresses and shoes that I do not currently own.  Big sister Sherry shared with me that the Lord told her He was giving me a new wardrobe, a spiritual one. 

From Sherry’s prayer journal: “I am preparing her for the work that is ahead. It is serious work for my kingdom. It does not mean she will need a new wardrobe for the outside appearance. Her new wardrobe is eternal, invisible and held within her. It is the garment of praise. It is Holy for her to share and give away when the time comes.  It will be varied with different colors and textures, but always needed.  This work will be the most fulfilling of anything she has ever done before. Her thoughts will not be for the worldly, but for my Glory and honor.”

“So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow:  they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.  Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:28-30).

I believe Sherry’s prophetic statement of a new heavenly wardrobe to be truth but I am also hopeful that it will include the dresses that I saw in my dream to satisfy the craving in my heart.  Just believe, for all things are possible with God!  “For all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Resurrecting The Covenant

I was given an additional dream by God ripe with the symbolism of covenants.  In my prayer time before bed, I received a scripture address: “For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you.  You shall eat the old harvest, and clear out the old because of the new.” (Leviticus 26:9-10). This verse was helpful in understanding the dream I received thereafter.  I call the dream: “Resurrecting the Covenant”. 

I was in the kitchen of my house, Taunya (my former boss and symbolic of my 2007 Covenant) visited with her dog, Tetley (who passed away years earlier).  In the dream, I had just resurrected Bahia (my beloved female dog who died in 2002) by blowing into her nostrils.  I saw the casket she was buried in but then miraculously she was alive again.  She was playing with Tetley.  I was in awe that they were both alive again.

Taunya walked briskly outdoors onto the patio where my pool is situated.  She did not say a word to me.  I followed.  We looked at a huge garden in the place where the pool was supposed to be located.  An enormous bounty of vegetables was growing.  In addition, I saw a large white rabbit with massive eyes in the garden. I kept thinking how miraculous it was that I resurrected Bahia from the dead.  I awoke to a song by Natalie Grant titled “Your Great Name”, verse two: 

All the weak, find their strength
At the sound of Your great name
Hungry souls, receive grace
At the sound of Your great name
The fatherless, they find their rest
At the sound of Your great name
The sick are healed, and THE DEAD ARE RAISED
At the sound of Your great name

As I contemplated the dream in prayer, my bible fell open to a page explaining covenants (hint number one)!  At this point, it would be good to clarify the symbolism of the dream.  The front patio is where my pool is located in reality and the location symbolically indicates near future or present tense.  If it were in the back of my house, it would represent behind, in other words, the past.

Garden is a field of labor and found where the pool (indicative of a spiritual place) is supposed to be represents a spiritual effort.  Vegetables are the fruit of one’s labor.  Interesting, I built my pool a few months after I wrote the 2007 covenant. 

A rabbit (white is suggestive of righteous or pure) exemplifies fast increase or multiplication and eyes are related to desire.  The rabbit’s eyes were very big; meaning a large desire for a speedy fulfillment to the covenant.  Most likely, God’s eyes looking upon our agreement to bring it to pass.  As I mentioned before He is always watching over His word to perform it.

To continue with the interpretation of the dream, in my mind resurrection is a miracle, a second chance, rebirth and new life.  A pet (Bahia) is something precious, I have resurrected something precious?  What are more precious to me than the promises of God?  I believe the Lord was showing me that by rerecording the 2007 covenant on this website was like resurrecting the promises He and I made to one another years prior.  The empty casket to mean I unburied the promises, resurrected them (dug them up) and brought them back to life.  The fulfillment of those promises as implied by the abundant garden is near or at hand.  I might add, ready to be harvested. 

But why did the Lord use Bahia as a symbol besides being a precious pet?  It dawned on me that Bahia represents a miracle in my life, as she was miraculously returned to us after being stolen in 1991.  I recount the story of Bahia’s miraculous return on pages 21-22 of My Sister’s Walk with God.  Hence, by using her in my dream meant that the miraculous is possible.  But not just possible, probable and on its way, soon to be revealed.

Also, the verse I was given prior to the dream helped me understand the meaning.  Here it is again: “For I will look on you (the rabbit’s eyes) favorably and make you fruitful (the garden), multiply you (the rabbit) and confirm My covenant (represented by Taunya) with you.  You shall eat the old harvest, and clear out the old because of the new (this could be characterized by my pool being replaced by the garden).” (Leviticus 26:9-10). 

The old harvest is the unfulfilled promise for my former church (symbolized by my pool or former place of spiritual activity) as documented in My Sister’s Walk with God, Chapter Nine.  And the new harvest I see as the great revival that is on its way, in addition to the promise of my physical healing.

Field of Wheat Dream

Around the same time as the other Covenant confirmation dreams (Taunya, Again? and Resurrecting The Covenant), I had the following dream.

I found myself running joyously in a field of golden wheat.  The hills were rolling and I could see for miles.  I was running freely and without physical hindrance when I noticed a cactus sticking up amongst the wheat.  The cactus didn’t bother me though, I took note of where it was located and kept running.  I noticed a rabbit sitting in the field. 

First, let’s take a look at the symbols in the dream and their apparent meanings.  A field implies a harvest is ready in one’s life.  It is also indicative of a call to evangelism.  The wheat was a golden color signifying that a harvest is near.  This wheat could be the unfulfilled prophecies entrusted to me.  And a cactus would be a snare or prickly hindrance. 

Perhaps the cactus represents the tares among the wheat as in Matthew 13:24-30.  “Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So, the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.””

I was running with joy and without physical hindrance, which was exhilarating for me to experience.  I pray that this will be the case on earth as it is in heaven.  Could this be the land I am to possess, the wheat field ripe for harvest?  I heard the Lord speak: “Yes, words are powerful; they are seed to the sower and the crop is fulfilled prophecy.”

Then we have the rabbit which represents rapid multiplication.  I accept this to mean my obligations are to believe with faith and due diligence the work of the Lord until the harvest.  Isn’t that the ‘normal’ obligation of a Christian to the promises given by the Lord?  If I am faithful, then multiplication will be the result; meaning multiplication of a good harvest. 

“His Lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.’”  (Matthew 25:23).