Two States (Part 2) ~ May 2023
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10/8/23 The Feast of Tabernacles ended on Oct. 6th and the next morning war came to Israel! In March, I saw BB Netanyahu summoning in a dream. Followed in May when the Lord said to keep eyes on Israel and what is going to play out. I know what happens to Israel is key to the signs of our time. We (globally) are being weighed in His balances as the sands of time run through the hourglass.
This morning the Lord gave me a scripture address of Isaiah 10:24: Therefore, thus says the Lord God of hosts: “O My people, who dwell in Zion, do not be afraid of the Assyrian. He shall strike you with a rod and lift up his staff against you, in the manner of Egypt. For yet a very little while and the indignation will cease, as will My anger in their destruction.”
Already this morning, I read that Saudi Arabia is touting the two-state solution. “The kingdom renews the call of the international community to assume its responsibilities and activate a credible peace process that leads to the two-state solution to achieve security and peace in the region and protect civilians.” Saudi Arabia blames Israel for ‘unprecedented’ Hamas terror attack | Washington Examiner
A few hours later, another verse was given to me: The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying, “Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, and as I have purposed, so it shall stand that I will break the Assyrian in My land, and on My mountains tread him underfoot. Then his yoke shall be removed from them, and his burden removed from their shoulders." Isaiah 14:24-25.
Amazingly, the second scripture references the first, Isaiah 10:24, and I received them independently of each other. God is speaking! On a final note, this war began on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, October 6, 1973.
A first-hand account from a believer in Israel: Special Update: The War in Israel (
A God coincidence happened as I remembered the 2018 dream titled Two States. It is a thread that the Lord used to tie all this together. “As with any prophetic dream, time will test it out…A second more plausible understanding has come forth five years later.”
In March 2023, I dreamed that Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel’s current Prime Minister) summoned my former pastor. Which in itself is odd because the pastor has moved to Heaven. But there is symbolism here that I have to explain that will solidify the understanding of ‘Two States’ dream.
I attended my old church for almost twenty years. During that time, the head pastor taught a great deal on Israel and its Biblical importance. In fact, Benjamin Netanyahu visited our church in the early 2000’s.
I learned much from the head pastor on the subject. In the fall of 2007 (the year God enrolled me to pray for revival), He gave me a request. He told me to write the head pastor a letter and tell him the things that I had learned under his leadership about Israel. The letter was supposed to be delivered on October 10, 2007 (10/10). However, I delivered the letter on October 4th because the pastor was leaving on a trip to Israel on 10/10/07!
God is continuing to reveal further understanding of the 10:10 phenomenon. With ten meaning ‘to accept or reject’ that which is being tested by the Lord. God tested the pastor on 10/10/20 and His decision was to take him home fifteen months later. The story: 10:10 Mystery Prophecy Fulfilled.
I am seeing the 10:10 phenomenon more as an hourglass (a device used to measure the passage of time) that the Lord turned over in 2020. He is testing us in all areas of our society in America. Not only is God testing us domestically; I believe He is also weighing our friends and foes. We are being weighed in His balances as the sands of time run through the hourglass.
I sense the same is going to happen with those who seek to divide the land of Israel. If you recall, in response to me reading the article on Israel and China, the Lord said: "What will you do in the day that I deal with you?”
“Qin also reportedly said that Xi’s China is open to expanding “exchanges at all levels with Israel, enhance mutual political trust and promote mutually beneficial cooperation. Qin also sold China as a potential mediator in his conversation with Palestinian Authority representative Riyad al-Maliki, noting that China had successfully convinced Saudi Arabia and Iran to restore relations and could potentially offer a similar service to the Palestinians.” Spurned by Biden, Israel Asks China to Help Contain Iran Threat (
I will also gather all nations, a bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land. Joel 3:2.
In conclusion, I recently learned that less than half of evangelicals in America support Israel and an even less percentage of younger believers, only 35%. Remembering Netanyahu’s appearance in my March dream; along with the dreamscape in Two States (portrayed exactly like the photos I found for Marah in Exodus 15:22-25); and the 10/10 incident, the meaning of this dream is a reminder that God will not tolerate His land being divided as many are planning.
Keep your eyes on Israel and what is going to play out. I know what happens to Israel is key to the signs of our time. Though we could see the land divided in our lifetime we are secure in Jesus as He has finished the work; He is the only One who will bring peace to the land.