Two States ~ May 2023
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I don’t normally write about Israel, but the Lord made it very clear that He wants this posted today, May 23rd. This article contains a dream from 2018; a prophetic word and a current/future event.
The other morning as I was reading news when I came across an article on Israel and China. In a nutshell, Israel has asked China to help negotiate peace with Iran. Spurned by Biden, Israel Asks China to Help Contain Iran Threat ( Instead, China responded with an offer to negotiate with the Palestinians, interesting I thought.
“China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency quoted Qin as discussing hostilities against Israel by Palestinian groups, not Iran, but offering the Communist Party’s involvement in the Mideast matter, anyway. China “is ready to provide convenience” for “peace talks” between Israel and the Palestinians.”
This would leave the United States out of the peace negotiation process. I wasn’t surprised by what I was reading however, it is what I heard when I read the news article that has spurred this post.
It was after I read the following, I heard the Lord speak: “All parties should maintain calm and restraint, and stop excessive and provocative words and deeds, Qin said,” according to Xinhua, “adding that the fundamental way out is to resume peace talks and implement the ‘two-state solution.'”
In response. what God said shocked me because I had heard it before. He said: "What will you do in the day that I deal with you?” After that proclamation, a dream came back to me from 2018. I looked up the dream.
I was outside in a riverbed area of rock and dry dirt. In front of me facing north, was a mountain and a small river which ran along the base of the mountain. The river was sparse in places, sometimes dry. I was given a tool to divide the river.
I was tasked with sticking the tool down into the rock by the bank of river in order to divide the land and river into two states. Half belonging to one state and the other half to a different state. I didn’t know what states they were though in the dream.
I came to the head of the river or where it started (east, the place of God's glory) and I stuck the tool into the rock. I looked down at the ground which had separated enough for me to see a long way down to the water in a deep pool. I noticed where I was standing had been built up with river rock. Similar to a levy or a well (round), and I thought ‘Hmm, the work has already been done here’.
I turned to see Jaime (my father-in-law who is in Heaven) standing behind me under a tree. Mind you, it was the only tree in the vast arid landscape. I commented to him about the work and asked his opinion if it looked to him like the work had already been done.
I awoke to the phrase: "What will you do in the day that I deal with you?”
The Lord led me to the verse Ezekiel 22:14 Can your heart endure, or can your hands remain strong, in the days when I shall deal with you? I, the Lord, have spoken, and will do it.
I found a pictures of what the wilderness looked like in my dream. I also received a scripture address of Exodus 15:22-25. So, Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea; then they went out into the Wilderness of Shur. And they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. 23 Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore, the name of it was called Marah. 24 And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” 25 So he cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet.
More symbolism in the dream helps to interpret it. I sense I was performing a prophetic act by dividing the land. In addition, I ended at the ‘Head’ of the river which was actually a deep well or pool with a strong stone foundation built up around it. Isn’t Christ Jesus our Wellspring, our source of continual supply? He is also like the great deep. Your righteousness is like the great mountains; Your judgments are a great deep. Psalm 36:6.
In the dream, I said ‘Hmm, the work has already been done here’ and the work is already done in Christ. He is our deep waters and for all who are thirsty to come to the Wellspring of life. The waters have been made sweet because of His sacrifice for us. Plus, God is our strong foundation as represented by the stonework around the pool.
Lastly, my father-in-law in the dream is significant. I believe Jaime represents the Lord to me in dreams (a father figure God uses to represent Himself in a safe way, aka a Theophany). He was found under the lone tree in the dreamscape, reminding me of the Angel of the Lord in Judges 6:11 who appeared to Gideon. “Now the Angel of the Lord came and sat under the terebinth tree…”
At the time of the dream in 2018, I thought it had to do with me thinking I was in a bitter situation with my affliction and perhaps, two states of mind. But as with any prophetic dream, time will test it out. It could have had that meaning then, but a second more plausible understanding has come forth five years later.
The full meaning of the dream can be found under Two States (Part 2) ~ Sands of Our Times.