Utterance Gifts ~ Prophecy ~ Royal Inspiration
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Next, we move on in this series to the Utterance Gifts. The first is the Gift of Prophecy. God’s word tells us to ‘Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts but especially that we may prophesy’ (1 Corinthians 14:1)! What? Does the Lord want us all to prophesy? Yes, a definitive yes.
“For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.” (Revelation 19:10b). This particular verse is why I have chosen the color purple for the Gift of Prophecy. Think about it…purple is associated with royalty and Jesus is our Royal High Priest and we are His Royal Priesthood. Furthermore, purple thread in the Bible revolves around the priesthood.
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9).
Note that purple is a combination of both red and blue. Red symbolizes Christ blood and sacrifice, in addition to His passion for us. And blues as we learned in the Gift of Knowledge post are the Hues of Heaven. Both colors combined represent the Gift of Prophecy. Why? Because the Spirit speaks to us through the blood of Christ (red) and from the Halls of Heaven (blue) solidifying the scripture Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy…Royal Inspiration!
What is the Gift of Prophecy and why does the Lord use it?
According to Kenneth Hagin: “Prophecy is supernatural utterance in a known tongue.” In other words, the gift or ability of a believer to speak for God or to be His spokesperson. The Gift of Prophecy is for the edification (the instruction/improvement of a person), exhortation (an invitation to get nearer to God) and comfort to the Body of Christ. This is why God wants all to prophesy. Prophecy also involves preaching or proclaiming, announcing or telling.
But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. (1 Corinthians 14:30).
Moses desired all of God’s people to be prophets and to prophesy, according to Numbers 11:29b: Then Moses said to him… “Oh, that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!”
In addition, the apostle Paul taught that we all can prophesy (1 Cor. 14:31) teaching God desires that each believer prophesies, that is, speaks for and speaks forth Him.
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14).
I have heard it said that in the Old Testament prophecy functioned mainly as Foretelling (predicting a future event) and in the New Testament prophecy is now Forth Telling (insight from the Holy Spirit about something that has already happened or is occurring and declaring it). I’m not sold on that theory, because I have personally experienced both function through the years.
In fact, I believe that the Gift of Prophecy is accelerating in believers due to the close return of our Lord. It is a wonderful gift to hear the Lord‘s voice and to be able to communicate it to others. This is one of my most loved gifts to operate in, though it is different than the Office of a Prophet, which we will discover in a later post.
How is this gift used by the Lord?
The Gift of Prophecy aka Inspiration comes in different forms. As a matter of fact, in my opinion and what I have experienced over the years as people are different so too, can be the different forms prophecy takes. The gift can vary depending on how the Great Artist wants the message to be painted.
Here are some avenues prophecies can flow through: Speaking, writing, dreams, visions, tongues, interpretations, singing, dancing, preaching, poetry, songwriting and drawing come to mind. Others can include Translations – having our spirit caught up into another realm (John in the Book of Revelation); and physical sensations – Word of Knowledge for healing; other sensations, such as tingling, warmth, trembling that indicate the presence of the Holy Spirit.
As many forms of communication would be the many forms of prophetic inspiration, the breath of Heaven.
The Gift of Prophecy can operate in tandem with the Word of Wisdom, the Word of Knowledge, Tongues and Interpretations of Tongues. There is also a faith element to be used with the gift: Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith. (Romans 12:6).
This gift has so many layers that I am planning a series on the Gift of Prophecy along with the Office of the Prophet.
An Example of the Gift of Prophecy in practice
The most prolific examples I have for the use of the Gift of Prophecy are the Letters from the Lord that I operate in. I mainly received scripture addresses when the gift was in the beginning stage. God’s words then started as I journaled, and they were personal to me only. Soon, I started hearing for God’s children.
First, I would see the person’s face, then I would get scripture addresses for the person. Additionally, words (letters) for the person from the Lord came and scriptures to confirm. God would address different subjects with the recipient of each letter, most of which I had no knowledge of until the letter was delivered.
God told me to have the letters tested by my prayer pastor and prayer partner. I was not to operate in this gift outside of His authority and that authority figure God chose at the time was the prayer pastor. I delivered most of the letters in person and before each went out, I prayed for how to approach the recipient and when to deliver. God was faithful to give me the instructions I needed and worked out each circumstance for His word to go forth.
What I noticed during the busy letter years was that most people, who were not in church leadership of some sort, were thrilled to receive the gift. But those who were in leadership were skeptical and cynical, I would say. Thankfully, there were the exceptions of those who received the letters with enthusiasm.
I remember a man who was in leadership at a church and a Bible teacher. He wanted desperately to be a Pastor; I did not know the man. My prayer partner asked if I would pray for him because she went to his Bible studies. I did pray and I received a letter for him. She and I took him to lunch and explained the gift, then read him the letter. He wept with joy. A week later he said to me, “You better be sure of your calling, lady.” Once I saw his skepticism, I avoided him. Sometime later, God did make this man a pastor at another church; he contacted me and thanked me.
There were a handful of letters that were time delayed, meaning I got a letter and had it tested but it didn’t go forward for a certain reason. One letter was not delivered because the woman moved, and I didn’t have her forwarding information. But once I got her address a year later, I sent the letter. She called and told me that the letter would not have meant anything the year before but now it was spot on.
Another delayed letter was to a fireman’s wife who we had another fireman test because he worked with her husband. He said, “No, don’t send it to her because she won’t believe it.” But years later, this same wife asked me for prayer, and I was instructed by the Lord to send the letter. I sent it and it was received with joy just at the right time. She dedicated her life to the Lord.
It was a pleasure and an honor to be given such a gift from the Lord and I grieved when the gift waned before a more serious job was given to me from God. I look back and marvel at how many letters He gave and how many wonderful stories I have to remember.
The instruction from the Lord on the execution of the gift:
“I have given you a gift you must share with others. It is not just for you, I have purposed this gift to share; it does not operate alone, in a vacuum. It operates with faith, My gift to you, faith which is yours as I see fit...Do not keep yourself from others nor ignore the gift which is in you. You are to share the blessings I have given you. You are to rejoice with those who rejoice and cry with those who cry, support them in their trials and hear My words to them. Some cannot hear on their own, they need help. Do not feel you are special or superior to them; you are not, just given a gift I choose to use at My discretion. This gift is Mine and it blesses those who receive it with an open heart, yet it also cuts to the bone for those who need instruction.”
For the most part, the gift has stayed in the realm of being a scribe (for me). I like that because then the recipient has a record of what God has said, if it is spoken it is not easily captured unless written down right away by the recipient. However, in a body of believers, I can see the Gift of Prophecy spoken forth to bless all those that hear it. Such would be the case for an Evangelist, Prophet, Preacher or Teacher. They proclaim the Word of God over a body of believers.
Pray earnestly that you receive this gift, for it is the will of God!