Power Gifts ~ The Working of Miracles ~ Sun Beams from Above
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The Working of Miracles! Miracles, signs and wonders, doesn’t that make you think of sunshine? The brightness of yellow in all its shades? Yellow is happiness, hope and spontaneity. It’s a blissful, youthful color, full of positivity. It represents faith and the Glory of God, anointing and joy.
Just as rays of the sun ultimately come from the Son (Jesus), so does the sun point to the Son. Jesus is the Light of the world as the sun is the light of our world (physically). Thus, miracles always point to their Giver, the Son of God. That is why I am giving the Working of Miracles the color of yellow. Like the bright sunshine, like sun beams from above!
The color spectrum goes from sunshine yellow as in a miracle to the rich color of gold as in the glory of God which strengthens our faith due to the performed miracle. The church in the Book of Acts knew and saw a lot of the gift in action. Why can’t we? They prayed for boldness, signs and wonders…miracles!
“Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” (Acts 4:29-30).
So, what is a miracle? In my own simple words, I believe a miracle is that which is impossible with man but possible with God. It is that which has the purpose of bringing glory to God and for us, an awareness of His presence. It is a supernatural act on a natural plane. I trust God likes impossible odds and as such, makes room for the unbelievable.
What is the Working of Miracles and why does the Lord use it?
When the manifestation of Working of Miracles is in operation, there is a Divine intervention in the ordinary course of our world. I’ve heard it said the gift could also be called the working of Acts of Power. It is God intervening in the natural order of our lives or a life to bring glory to Himself and an awareness of His majesty and Omnipotence…explosions of Almightiness!
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12).
How is this gift used by the Lord?
The working of this gift is in conjunction with other gifts, but mainly the Gift of Faith. I like this explanation from: The Working of Miracles | Discover What It Is, Its Purpose, and How to Activate It (curtlandry.com)
“Those who operate in the gift pull down the miracles from Heaven, so they manifest on Earth. The working of miracles is a spiritual gift distributed by the Holy Spirit through Believers. This gift enables you to carry out miraculous feats thought to be impossible according to the natural laws of this world. The working of miracles is often manifested in sync with other spiritual gifts. Believers are blessed with the working of miracles to serve as a witness of God’s supreme power and authority over all things.”
Recall to mind, in my post on the Gift of Faith; faith receives a miracle, and the Working of Miracles works a miracle. In my experience, the other spiritual gifts used along with this gift are the Word of Wisdom and the Gift of Faith. I am positive there are many combinations of gifts used but these are the ones I will highlight in the story of the gift in practice below.
An Example of Working of Miracles in practice, my SonShine Garden.
I left the workplace for good in 2015, not knowing what came next. Prior to leaving my job, I had two dreams which involved large vegetables in a garden. I didn’t think much of the dreams until months later when I wanted to start a vegetable garden.
So, in the spring of 2015, I prepped my garden boxes for planting. I wanted to plant zucchini and I went to a nursery to get some starter plants. The nursery had no starter plants, so I bought zucchini seed to start my own. I tried starting the zucchini, but it did not grow. I figured I would plant some later in the season. I called my garden Pam’s SonShine Garden.
I went on to plant tomatoes, cucumber, leeks, basil and a couple types of peppers for Bobby. After a short period of time, I noticed a huge number of new plants coming up where I didn’t plant anything. The new plant leaves started to become recognizable to me…they were zucchini plants. There were upwards of more than 30 zucchini plants growing all over my garden!
I had so many zucchini plants I had to pull many out knowing that they would get huge by mid-summer. Asking God if this was from Him, I heard, “Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no shadow of turning.” (James 1:17).
After pulling up a majority of the zucchini plants, I noticed other seedlings started showing up at various times between spring and late fall. I just let it all grow to see what God was growing in our garden.
Here is a list of all the vegetables God grew during this miracle: zucchini, Daikon radishes, broccoli rabe, nasturtium, cilantro, parsley, fennel, dill, oregano, fingerling potatoes, yellow Swiss chard, red Swiss chard, an avocado tree, lemon balm, mint, russet potatoes, purple perennials, celery, lima beans, and finally, cantaloupe. The cantaloupe plant was very prolific, it yielded almost 20 melons in the course of two months, all the sweetest I have ever tasted. It was truly amazing.
A garden enclosed…A spring shut up; a fountain sealed. Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates with pleasant fruits—A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon. (SOS 4:12-15).
What gifts were in action during this miracle? First, I saw the miracle in two dreams which could mean a double blessing and a sure thing from God. Two indicating a witness and the dreams, a Word of Wisdom…planting the seed of faith to propagate.
When the Gift of Faith was activated by the dreams, it spurred me on to plant a garden (the Working of Miracles). Once I was obedient to plant, the miracle was brought forth. Hallelujah, it is a beautiful memory of God’s provision.