The Prickly One

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This is the recent enemy visitation that happened to my sis, Wendy. You can read about the history of the situation under Something is Going On; I Feel it in My Body. The experience confirmed what we were dealing with. My body has become a battleground where the forces of good and evil are playing out. Who would believe such a report? In fact, my spiritual mentor was even shocked. Here’s her response.

“Good grief, Pam! I have never heard anyone confess anything like this before. Don’t think it gets any worse than this! Well…I guess it does but this is astounding. Your sister is brave, but she is right to stand in righteous defiance. Jesus is BIGGER!”

Wendy in her own words: “Well I prayed last night for a dream and also for your healing and strengthening but I did not get anything for you. Instead, what I got was my own attack by the enemy likely because I’m praying against him. Here is what happened:  I woke up somewhere around 10:00 pm and changed positions in bed to laying on my left side and fell back to sleep. Sometime around 11:00 pm I literally felt someone, or something sit on my right side of the bed. I felt it was not a good person or thing. 

I tried yelling out Jesus, but my words were not making any sound, so I reached my hands up to try and feel this person/thing that I knew was in some type of human form and I felt its face but only on the back of my left hand and not the front. It felt like a couple of days of facial stubble but only pointier and rougher and prickly. I literally felt it on my hand, and I screamed Jesus and finally the words came out that I could hear them.

This DID NOT feel like a dream, but I literally felt this thing next to me. The pressure of the weight of the body against my side sitting next to me on the bed and then the scratchy rough feeling on my hand that I assume was its face, but not entirely sure. I then woke up and grabbed my phone, it was after 11::00 pm.

This was as real as real it gets, yet I awoke, and nothing was there. I believe it was the enemy. I was not scared after waking but defiant. I have never ever felt something in a dream like I felt the rough prickly hair like this. It almost hurt. 

I knew it was male and thought at first that it was Lewis but quickly realized it was sinister. Never have I experienced that before so vividly because I felt prickles on the back of my hand reaching up to touch what I thought was the face, but maybe not. Maybe it was the entire body! Ugh.”

Let’s look at this recent enemy experience symbolically.  An unshaven/unkept face in a dream/vision equates to spiritual neglect, uncleanness, an unclean spirit. And the word prickly means ‘Causing trouble or vexation’; thorny, "a prickly situation." The act of vexing, or the state of being vexed; agitation; disquiet; trouble; irritation.

Now, left is spiritual: weakness (of people, me); God’s strength demonstrated through people’s weakness; something spiritual; wicked scheming. All the symbols point to demonic activity except for Wendy resting on the bed. I would like to think that indicates resting in Jesus during this vexing episode.

I can tell you that once Wendy shared this experience with me, I had my answer of a spiritual attack. I started praying scripture. The verse was used during my ten-year prayer assignment against the Jezebel spirit. The day after I started praying the scripture, I felt noticeably stronger. The unusual amount of fear I felt has dissipated.

For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous…Psalm 125:3a.

Wendy’s reaction, “Wow, that’s great I will pray that too. It’s interesting that it says, “shall not rest” especially when it was resting (sitting) on my bed!”

The battle does belong to the Lord, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a part in it. He is the CHIEF COMMANDER and HE asks us to wield our swords. The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.

Thanks, sis, for being a conduit through which the Holy Spirit could reveal the intent and plans of the enemy. The Lord wants the enemy to be publicly humiliated, which is what we are doing by speaking forth. To God be the glory.

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:15.