Forgiveness ~ The Project

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The Voice from Eternity came to me recently in the early morning hours; the appeal came in the form of a dream.  Once I awoke from the dream to a scripture, I knew what the Lord wanted.  I was taken back but my heart knew He was right.  God called and needed me to take care of something.

Here is the dream.  In the first scene, it was evening in the dream, and I saw a field of bright green.  I walked on the field and as I did my feet left dark footprints of which I suddenly realized was new grass.  I knew the Owner of the field would know I had trodden down His new grass, I was grieved, so I prayed.

I asked the Lord to forgive me for treading down the new grass and leaving dark footprints as the field had to look pristine in the morning.  Untouched; virgin growth.  I asked God for the recovery of the new growth, and that it would ‘spring-back’ by the morning.  Once I prayed, I left the field.

In the next scene, I found the field was near a small hill of brown arid rock.  Men were gathered there, and I saw a Lion walking in their midst, I watched and acknowledged the Lion.  I heard “Forgive those whom the Lion walks among!”

The last scene had me viewing rocky hills where a group of former church leaders/pastors met.  They were coming up and over the hills, walking downward.  Some of the men were wobbly, older, grey and disheveled looking.  I was watching them descend the rocks.  I awoke to Now, whom you forgive anything I also forgive for if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sake’s in the presence of Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:10.

After early prayer, I received a statement ‘The Forgiveness Project’ and Isaiah 43:18 Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, NOW IT SHALL SPRING FORTH!  Like the new grass in the dream.  

And so, we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19.

I immediately checked the internet for the statement ‘The Forgiveness Project’.  Look what I found, His prophetic word to me confirmed!

Hmmm, sounds pretty obvious, I need to forgive.  Needless to say, I bought the book.  After more prayer, “If I have forgiven them, you must forgive them.  For whom I have died, you cannot despise.”  Psalm 149: The LORD takes pleasure in His people!

Let’s unpack the dream.  A field represents a life ready for new things (field of labor), ready for spiritual growth, situation things to do and accomplish.  And grass is symbolic of the green pastures of God, life, something meant to be maintained in your spiritual life.  And we know green means healing.

Yet there were my footprints treading down the new growth; aka memories leaving a dark print on the new grass.  I had trodden down the new growth with my feet which spiritually speaking indicates driving down any new growth (grass) where my feet walked or will walk in unforgiveness.  And yet, I asked the Lord in the dream to forgive me for doing that, I was open to change. 

The verse I got is telling… Do not remember the former things (forgive them), nor consider the things of old (move on). Behold, I will do a new thing (the morning, like a new day), NOW IT SHALL SPRING FORTH (like the grass, new growth in God).  See how this verse mirrors the first scene in the dream?

The next two scenes God made it clear who He was referring to.  The rock hills seem to connotate a ‘rocky’ time; that involved the leadership and past memories of my former church.  Notice in the second scene, the Lion walking among the men…who is this?  Pretty obvious, the Lion from the tribe of Judah, Jesus.  Then the statement: “Forgive those whom the LION walks among!”  In other words, forgive the brethren.

The final scene was masterfully played out by God showing me the men were not scary but older, some weak and disheveled.  Easy to forgive when you see their humanness.  And of course, the verse upon waking.

Now, whom you (God) forgive anything, I (me) also forgive for if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your (God’s) sake in the presence of Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:10. I have added my interpretation of the verse as it fits with the dream.  See, God forgave me for treading down His grass and I have to forgive those who damaged me, but more importantly, who He died for. 

Finally, it was evening, the close and end of a day.  Morning was coming; a new day was arriving, and I had to be prepared for it.  That preparation included forgiveness to ensure the morning is not shadowed by the past.

Perhaps you have not been hurt or emotionally injured by someone that would impact your health.  Even so, it is a good idea to unclog our pipes so to speak, as the Lord will not hear us with any iniquity in our hearts.  And we definitely want our voices heard by our King. 

Psalm 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear.

It is for this reason that I feel led to do a short series on forgiveness.  I think it is a valuable lesson God will teach us and one to learn before it affects us in harmful or deadly ways.  Stay with me through this Forgiveness Project to see how God can heal.

When you see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like grass; the hand of the Lord shall be known to His servants, and His indignation to His enemies.  Isaiah 66:14.