The Hidden Chapter ~ Who Has Believed the Report?
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Who has believed our report? And to whom has the Arm of the Lord been revealed? (Isaiah 53:1).
So, what exactly is the report/promise that I have believed that will come to pass in the life of my former church? To be exact, it is the removal of the current leadership who housed the Jezebel spirit and chased the Spirit of the Living God from its grounds due to disobedience and rebellion.
With that said, I don’t want to think that over a decade of heartbroken earnest prayers have gone unheard for this situation. My hope is according to Philemon 15-16 which the Lord gave me for the head pastor in 2006: For perhaps he departed for a while for this purpose, that you might receive him forever, no longer as a slave but more than a slave—a beloved brother, especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord.
In addition, it is the placement of new leadership headed by the former assistant pastor who left the church in 2010 to be brought back to shepherd God’s flock and bring in revival. Also, interesting to note, the assistant pastor’s wife was my attending nurse in the original pregnant dream in 2005 that I mentioned earlier. This is the same couple that God had me anoint in 2005 to take over the church.
I have documented the event in My Sister’s Walk with God page 246: “After the Lord told me to cease from interceding for the head pastor and his wife, He began to speak more about the assistant pastor. Now I must admit here that I was trying to figure out what God was going to do with the leadership of my church; in fact, I had it all worked out in my head. I don’t think my ideas were based strictly on my hopes, but I believe I was hearing God’s voice on this matter. Needless to say, I see through a glass dimly. So, I surmised that since the head pastor and wife were rebellious, they would be removed. Then the assistant pastor would take over the church, and the revival that I had longed for would come.”
Does this seem likely at this time? No, definitely not. Why? Because the head pastor and his family are still running the church. In addition, the then assistant pastor is now a head pastor at another church and well established. Do you see why this is the promise I doubt the most? If this is what the Lord wants (as I have thought for so many years); then a miracle of gigantic proportions has to take place.
I repeat what I declared in a previous post that without adversity I would not overcome, without adversity I would not hope and without adversity there would be no miracles! So, what am I to do but wait and see what the Lord has planned? Over and over, I hear the Lord say: The sorrows of a woman in childbirth shall come upon him. He is an unwise son, for he should not stay long where children are born. (Hosea 13:13).
A quote from My Sister’s Walk with God: “Though I tried my hardest not to interpret what He had said by daydreaming about the situation that would have introduced my own ideas, I am human and certainly fallible. I will not lie—it is hard to be comfortable in the mess of unanswered prayer and unfulfilled prophecy, let alone God’s promises.”
Who wouldn’t want the Lord to come in power to their church and to setup His sanctuary? Is it not He who we worship and adore? Yes, it is He but the reality of the situation at that church was dismal. It seemed hopeless even after ten years of prayer for the deliverance from the Jezebel spirit. And mind you, I have not attended the church since early 2015.
My bible explained occasions for doubt. The New Open Bible on page 914 reads: “A Christian may also doubt God’s sovereignty or His goodness. In circumstances as suffering, injustice, opposition…or apparent unanswered prayer, the Christian may be tempted to doubt the goodness of God. One must remember that it is not always possible to discern God’s good hand in the affairs of life. The person of faith believes God even when circumstances appear to the contrary”.
These are the scripture promises I need to trust:
“I will establish one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them—My servant David. He shall feed them and be their shepherd.” (Ezekiel 34:23).
“And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” (Jeremiah 3:15).
January 26th, 2022, Update ~ As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, an update to this pending promise: "After the first month of writing this series, news came that the head pastor (that I wrote about in My Sister’s Walk with God) had suddenly passed away.” I believe the Lord is rolling out in the physical realm what He told me years ago in the spiritual realm. And as He does, you will experience firsthand the accounts of the wonders of the Living God.