Red Sky at Morning, Sailors Take Warning ~ A Prophetic Warning

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This post is not to scare you, but to prepare you.  The Lord instructed me to publish this on 12/12 and 12/19/23.  I have noticed a pattern when He has prescribed a posting date, the events unfold within six months.  It has happened in the past with finishing the job at my former church; the Afghan debacle; the Ukraine/Russian war; when the rains were announced; the same with the winds and most recently, Israel.   

I have said “We have seen the rains; we are now seeing the winds…what is next, Lord?”  I believe what is next is fire.  Perhaps, in a variety of ways…I do not know specifics.  But the warning I am presenting to you arrived in the form of a dream.  Here we go. 

I was back at my former employer, Goodrich Aerostructures.  I was standing in the main building on an upper floor, looking out the ceiling to floor windows at the Pacific Ocean.  I was watching for what was coming.

People (other employees I assumed) were in the building with me and as I looked out to the west.  I saw dark storm clouds coming.  I could also see a map of the Pacific coastline. The gray clouds (indicating a coming storm) turned to red, mixing, swirling and churning along the coast.  I knew in my dream it to be a Red Cyclone.


People started panicking and making phone calls, saying: “If I don’t make it through this…”  They were running for the inner rooms of the building to find shelter, hiding from what was coming. 

I, too, was searching for shelter while I shouted and proclaimed how to be saved.  I was calling them to salvation in the name of the Lord over and over again.  I proclaimed the message as they hid.  I woke up.

I knew it was a God dream when I awoke so, I prayed.  I heard: “Red sky at morning, Sailors take warning”.  And, I heard “The hour is now upon us -the hour has come.  Warn My people.”

Then, scripture addresses:

On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Luke 17:31.

The Sovereign Lord declares—He who gathers the exiles of Israel: “I will gather still others to them   besides those already gathered.”  Isaiah 56:8 (a call to evangelism).

The Place: We have learned through the “Dancing in the Dark, A Dream Laboratory” that places from our past mean something.  I have not been to Goodrich in eight years, so what does it mean to me?  It was my last employer before I left to start full-time ministry work.  The Lord gave me a vivid dream to leave the world behind and work for Him.  I was extremely excited when called out knowing He was going to fulfill all He had told me regarding revival and the end-times.    

God also used Goodrich in dreams to tell me He was going to “Finish the Job” with my former pastor; and to show me I would be teaching for Him.  The building I was in was not the building I worked in during my tenure, but it was the one closet to the water.  The plant is directly on the Pacific coast.  Important to note to understand what He is inferring.  And, I was on an upper floor, watching…peering out the windows into the future.

On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Luke 17:31.

The People: The people around me in the dream, I did not know.  However, we had in common our location.  Additionally, I know they were not believers in Jesus as I had to announce the way of Salvation.  So, the crowd of employees could represent the lost in our world without Christ.

Their fear was palpable and me hearing their conversations before the cyclone hit is prophetic.  Usually, a phone or phone call in a dream symbolizes communication.  “Phone: receiving a message from God; needing to talk to someone in your life; a call to hear God’s voice; a call to dialog with God.”  Volkots, John Mark. A to Z Christian Dream Symbols.  

This speaks to me that the people knew their time was short, their lives threatened and they need a Savior.  They could be ‘calling’ out to God, positioned for the invitation to His Salvation.

And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved.’  Acts 2:21. 

I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.  John 10:16 (NT sister verse to Isaiah 56:8).

The Prophecy: “The dark sky says a great storm is coming as I gazed out to the ocean.  Then, the sky turned red, swirling and churning, whoa!”  I have said ‘West’ is where revival is to come out of, but it cannot come without a great storm. 

Sky represents “God’s presence; things related to God or high things of the Spirit; a dark sky means trouble; a clear sky means peace; a red sky means judgment or war; a purple sky can indicate the second coming of Jesus.   

To look further into the event the Lord is allowing; a cyclone is any large system of winds that circulates about a center of low atmospheric pressure in a counterclockwise direction north of the Equator.  A cyclone would create chaos; fear; akin to being in a washing machine!

“Sometimes before earthquakes and volcanoes appear, they are preceded with earth tremors. Similarly, He can warn us when a tornado or hurricane is coming so that we can take preventive measures, whether the storm is literal or in the spiritual realm.…The Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet (Nahum 1:3).”  Milligan, Ira L., The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream.

The saying I heard upon praying is at the heart of the interpretation and its origin is amazing. 

“The common phrase ‘red sky at morning’ is a line from an ancient rhyme often repeated by mariners: Red sky at night, sailors' delight.  Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.

The concept is over two thousand years old and is cited in the New Testament as established wisdom that prevailed among the Jews of the 1st century AD by Jesus in Matthew 16:2-3.

Matthew 16:2b–3 (the signs of the times) describes a confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees and Sadducees over their demand for a sign from heaven.”  Red sky at morning - Wikipedia.

And the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to test him they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. He answered them, "When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather; for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, 'It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah."

The sign of the prophet Jonah refers to Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection.  Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so too, the Son of Man was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

On the flipside, Jesus in this verse is not talking to unbelievers but to the leadership of the faith at that time. Could it be that the Lord is also speaking to the leadership and those in the Body of Christ that think alI will continue as normal?  It is certainly possible that a dream could have several meanings.

Let’s pull this all together, sailors.  I am in a port city, San Diego where a large portion of the Pacific Fleet and sailors are located.  Goodrich is a government contractor, who built WWII planes (war-time) and it is located on the coast.  Are you seeing what I am seeing?

If not, here is what I believe the Lord is warning.  There is a coming war-like event when people who are not saved nor are schooled in end-time events will fear for their lives.  I think it could come to our shores, or in the Pacific and involve our navy.  A convergence of sorts, perhaps with other countries.    

It will also be a time of great evangelism and lay people like you and I will rise up to call the unsaved to salvation.  We will find our only shelter in Him.  Our country will be at risk and our future shaken. 

Interesting, I read this article: Americans Don't Want to Fight For Their Country Anymore (

“A majority of American adults would not be willing to serve in the military were the U.S. to enter into a major war.  Experts say that such shortfalls are worrisome in an increasingly volatile global picture with American leadership unsure when it will next have to bring its full military force to bear.

We have strike groups, aircraft carriers with a Marine Expeditionary Unit outside Israel now," Justin Henderson, a former transport operator for the U.S. Marines turned military recruiter, told Newsweek. "We're funding two wars, but we're actually boots on the ground, drones above Gaza. So, we're already involved in there—and we're not sure what's happening in Taiwan. So, this is a very tumultuous time for us, because we don't know what's going to happen."

Could the threat come from Russia and China?  Perhaps.  Look what popped up when I searched red cyclone.  Zangief, also known as The Red Cyclone, is a major character in the Street Fighter franchise.  He is a powerful Russian wrestler and national hero who seeks to challenge strong opponents. In the series, he is a professional wrestler that fights to prove Russia's superiority over other nations' fighters.”

From my friend Cindy: “Reminds me of a day I experienced in Beijing. They have red storms occasionally when the winds from the Kalahara blow the red desert sand into the city. It scares the people and they run wild eyed to take shelter!”

I am not saying I know what is coming except what I have been shown allegorically.  But such is the gift of prophecy that when a symbolically foretold event comes to pass, it is hard to distinguish when it happens.  However, I sense this won’t be too hard to see as it unfolds because even the unsaved will cry out.

Since this dream and the White Mare dream, I have received over 50 white horses running through various avenues of media to get my attention.  So, my conclusion thus far is that this warning combined with the white horse’s appearances points to a specific period of time which is unfolding swiftly (like a horse runs).

This is a prophetic warning.  Our duty is evident.  We are to simply ask the Lord how to be prepared and to stay close to Him; shodding our feet with the Gospel of Peace to bring hope to the fearful.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.  When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.  Isaiah 43:2.

The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the heavens will tremble. But the Lord will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel.  Joel 3:16.

For He Himself is our peace…Ephesians 2:14a.


The recent posting Red Sky at Morning, Sailors Take Warning ~ A Prophetic Warning on 12/12/23 has been confirmed twice now on New Year’s Eve and then the day after.

My nephew who is in the Navy came for dinner a week before New Year’s. I was going to tell him about the dream, but I felt in my spirit it wasn’t the right time.  On New Year’s Eve, he came for dinner again, and I told him the dream, the scripture and what the Lord said after prayer: “Red sky at morning, Sailor take warning."

He said “Stop right there.  I want to tell you something.  I have been hearing that statement in my head on my way to and from work every day for the last week.  I have also been seeing a red sky in the morning and a red sky in the evening on my way home over the coast.”

Needless to say, he was shocked and so was I.  The Lord prepped him for a week before I could tell him the dream.  That was the first confirmation.  

The second confirmation of the dream came on January 1st.  I sat down to look at the news in the evening and the television screen was a red sky that happened over the coast of La Jolla and was captured by a photographer on FOX 5 News!



Please take a look at this video which caught my attention as it speaks of a 'red' possible takeover.  Could be likened to a war coming to our shores: 

 Chinese 'saboteurs' are 'sharpening their skills to kill Americans': Gordon Chang | Watch (

8/1/24 "Americans are going to be fighting a foreign enemy on our own soil for the first time since the War of 1812."

Holt said that Iran's next response will be "really bad" and this war "won't be contained to the Middle East."

"We have had three years, four years of open borders now from that wonderful border czar [Vice President Kamala Harris] and we've got millions of fighting-age men from all these proxy terror groups. And all they need is an activation warning," Holt said during an appearance on Blaine Holt to Newsmax: 'No Reverse Gear' in Middle East War.

Author and commentator Gordon Chang was also in on the discussion and warned that in light of America's open borders, the United States is "going to get hit at home."

"This is going to be awful," he said. "You know, we Americans have thought of wars as occurring over there, but this one is going to be actually be here.

"And that means that we Americans are going to be fighting a foreign enemy, a sustained battle on our own soil for the first time since the War of 1812."