Dancing in the Dark ~ The Drumbeat of Dreams

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Please don’t be so busy in your lives that you miss or worse, ignore, the drumbeat of your dreams.  What am I talking about?  The drumbeat of repeating dreams and reoccurring themes.  For instance, when I retired from paid work and went into His ministry through the door of affliction, I had continuing shoe and changing job dreams.  I had more than 35 where I was buying new shoes and preparing for a new job.  Buying new shoes means a fresh mandate from God, a new equipping for a new calling.  The dreams stopped when My Sister’s Walk with God was published.

In addition, I (including family and friends) have received an amazing 48 dreams since 2014 of me being healed, and running or dancing, just being normal again.  In some of these dreams, I literally feel my legs getting stronger in the dream and I call out to whom I am with to, “Look at me, my legs are strong again.”  Funny, I even said similar words in Wendy’s dream that I have said in my past dreams numerous times: “Look at me, my legs are strong again.”  Remember her text to me regarding this most recent night vision?  Interesting, again I have yet another dream of you healed and walking.” 

I believe God gives reoccurring dream themes to reinforce His will aka calling on our lives and to build our faith so when they come to pass, we know He has spoken.  These types of dreams usually begin as He is preparing us to transition.  So, take note when you see a theme repeating (and not always on the same night) it means God will surely bring it to pass.  And doubly so if an angel or Archangel is seen in your dream, such as Gabriel, Michael, or Raphael! 

“Sometimes as we meditate on a dream, we realize that we have dreamed the same thing before. The second dream may not always use the same objects or people, yet the same hidden message is apparent. An example of this is found in the two dreams of Pharaoh and Joseph declared that the repetition of the message meant it was established of God. In other words, it would certainly happen!

 From this we can see that repetitious dreams are especially important. And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, the dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do…And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass (Genesis 41:25,32).”

Milligan, Ira L. The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream: Biblical Keys for Hearing God's Voice in the Night.

A scripture given to me to understand how to interpret these types of dreams was John 7:24: “Do not judge according to appearance but judge with righteous judgment.”  Another version: “Stop judging only by what you see, judge in the right way; look beneath the surface then you can judge correctly.”

This verse speaks to me to prayerfully look under the surface of a dream to interpret the drumbeat of the Lord’s plans.  If we learn His dark speech and hear the underlying beat, it will prove to be life for our walk with Him who delights in speaking to us.