HE Who Began A Good Work In You
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To further confirm that the covenant is soon to be fulfilled, I had another encounter with the Lord a few days after the Taunya, Again? dream (which is currently under Covenant Relationship Series, The Library).
Taunya, Again? – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com)
The encounter though was an unsettling dream. I was in a large conference hall with a lot of people sitting at round tables, it appeared the room was full. I was speaking on how God operates through the gifts of the Spirit.
In the final scene, I was laying in white sheets. I found blood spots on the sheets. I was pregnant. I knew I might lose the baby, so I got up carefully to find help. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and I looked about six months along. I awoke to 1 Timothy 4:10 For to this end we both LABOR and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe.
Being concerned this new baby (aka work) would be terminated, I prayed “O God don’t let me lose the baby”! Once I prayed that urgent request, a song came “He who began a good work in you” - Steve Green.
He who began a good work in you
He who began a good work in you
Will be faithful to complete it
He'll be faithful to complete it
He who started the work
Will be faithful to complete it in you
Interesting that this dream occurred two months prior to me deleting my first book during its completion process. Here is the account from Believe Miracles Are For Today ~ The Book, Chapter 1 (located in the Library).
“I had My Sister’s Walk with God mostly finished. I needed to read the book in its entirety and ask the Lord for any further stories or scriptures He wanted to add. But then, I accidentally wrote over my book and its backup on a thumb drive! Yes, I did that! How or why, it escapes me to this day the folly that played out either by my own hand or the hand of you know who…the enemy, Satan or one of his minions. To my absolute horror, the book was gone.
I wailed in agony and hysteria. My husband grabbed the computer and thumb drive intact. He drove it to a well-known retail computer fixit store. They reported back to us that the document (my book) on the computer was unrecoverable. There was nothing more they could do. I was beside myself similar to a breakdown!
Little sister Wendy showed up during the fiasco and calmly prayed for a resolution. Once the computer was brought back to me, I right clicked on I don’t know what and a ‘previous version’ appeared of my book. I had lost a couple of weeks of data but the remainder of the book was intact! Now how could a novice like me retrieve the document but a ‘computer expert’ could not? I chose to believe my book reappearing was God’s handiwork.”
I believe the premature labor was a false alarm proving that God would be faithful to what He had purposed in getting His work completed. This dream happened six months before I was picked up by Covenant Books (and I was six months pregnant in the dream).
I see the universal message as a prod to be patient and have faith that He will keep all of the words He has given and will bring us to full term to complete His mission. In other words, He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it!
Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6).