Engage The Enemy of Unforgiveness
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Along the same lines of Engage The Enemy, unforgiveness can chain us to the enemy. It can also deter us from the possession of God’s land for us.
According to my friend Wanda Rust, in her book titled “Are You One of These for God?” she lays out the case for ridding oneself of unforgiveness. “One of the biggest sins we have is unforgiveness. We have been taught to say we forgive and believe we have, but really, we have not because the pain is still there when we think or hear of that person…Satan has a right to afflict you because of the sin of unforgiveness. God wants to heal and deliver but can’t until we break Satan’s legal right over us…God taught me the only way I could forgive the person was to pray for them and bless them. “Bless them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you”. (Luke 6:28). As we do, we receive the peace of God. If we don’t pray for them, we have bound them and put ourselves in bondage to Satan.”
I struggled with unforgiveness after the long intercession assignment for my church. It’s taken me a few years to feel the freedom of forgiveness which I have sought. I have been diligent to pursue it because I desire what God has for me more than I want to hang onto the things someone has said or done to me. I run from the spirit of unforgiveness in order to obtain the better things of God.
Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ, 11 lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11).
Lastly, consequences of sin can inhibit possession of our land. One such instance is the Pisgah story. I recall the event on pages 317-319 in my first book.
“What was the Lord talking about—“Pisgah”? I believe that He used the biblical paradigm of Pisgah to establish what I thought to be true: just as Moses could not enter the Promised Land because of disobedience, so too the Head Pastor was not going to be allowed to enter the “promised land.” What promised land was this? The revival that God had spoken to me about since 2007. The Head Pastor had seen it far off but would not be able to enter because of his rebellion. God made a point of it so I would include it in my upcoming meeting with the Head Pastor.”
This story exhibits there are some decisions we make in life or sins where God forgives but will not withhold the consequences of our actions and we can forfeit the land that He has promised. Hence, be diligent to obey Him so forfeiture of land is a moot point!
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God; a worker who does not need to be ashamed… (2 Timothy 2:15).