Biblical Site ~ The Pool of Siloam

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Biblical site where Jesus healed the blind man opened after 2,000 years.  

John 9:7 And He said to him, “Go, wash in the Pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So, he went and washed, and came back seeing. 


"The Israel Antiquities Authority, the Israel National Parks Authority and the City of David Foundation announced days before the new year that the Pool of Siloam, a biblical site cherished by Christians and Jews, will be open to the public for the first time in 2,000 years in the near future.

"The Pool of Siloam’s excavation is highly significant to Christians around the world," American Pastor John Hagee, the founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel, told Fox News Digital. "It was at this site that Jesus healed the blind man (John:9), and it is at this site that, 2,000 years ago, Jewish pilgrims cleansed themselves prior to entering the Second Temple. The Pool of Siloam is located within the City of David, is among the most inspiring archeological affirmations of the Bible.

Ze'ev Orenstein, the director of international affairs for the City of David Foundation in Jerusalem, told Fox News Digital, "One of most significant sites affirming Jerusalem's Biblical heritage — not simply as a matter of faith, but as a matter of fact — with significance to billions around the world, will be made fully accessible for the first time in 2,000 years."

The Pool of Siloam is situated in the southern portion of the City of David and within the area of the Jerusalem Walls National Park...The pool was first built roughly 2,700 years ago as part of Jerusalem's water system in the eighth century B.C. The construction unfolded during the reign of King Hezekiah as cited in the Bible in the Book of Kings II, 20:20, according to the two Israeli agencies and the City of David Foundation. 

According to estimates, the Pool of Siloam passed through many stages of construction and reached the size of 1¼ acres. "The perimeter of the pool was built as a series of steps, allowing the bathers to sit and immerse themselves in the waters of the pool," according to the IAA.

This news means that one of the most important archeological discoveries in history can soon be seen by visitors from all over the world. It will affirm all they believe. Having faith is part of worshipping God, but faith alone isn’t required to believe. There are historic facts attesting to the truth of Scripture."

Biblical site where Jesus healed blind man excavated for public view: 'Affirms Scripture' | Fox News