The Battle over Cambria by My Sister Sherry

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“But when we pray, God directs the armies of heaven to fight on our behalf, even though we may know nothing about the battles that are being waged in this invisible war. (See 2 Kings 6:17.)”  And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.  Excerpt from: ‘Be Resolute (Daniel)’, Warren W. Wiersbe.

It was in June of 1994 that a small group of friends, 6 women, decided to go on a retreat. We not only wanted to spend time together, but we wanted to learn more about the Lord. Some of us were longtime believers but a few of us were babies in the faith. I was one of those babies. None the less, we loaded ourselves into two cars and headed up the coast for the beautiful small coastal town of Cambria, CA. All of us were relishing in the thought of leaving behind our collective responsibilities for a couple of days just to learn more about the Savior Jesus and the Scriptures.

Our time together was light and fun. How perfect our time together seemed to be going those first several hours. There was a couple of short teaching times by one of our more experienced friends who had prepared ahead of time for this retreat by praying and seeking the Lord on what to share with the rest of us.

The first night went very well with a delicious dinner then more teaching and prayers afterwards. Like most believers we prayed for each other, for our families and the other needs we felt the Lord wanted us to pray for. There was also prayer for one of our friends who hadn’t yet given her heart to Jesus. I remember that all of us laid our hands upon our dear sister and prayed for her to receive Jesus into her heart as her Savior.

That night as we slept, I was wakened by a very disturbing dream-vision. This dream-vision continued even though I was awake. Evidently the evil one didn’t like what we were doing. What I saw was a terrible battle taking place up above the rooftop of the motel where we were staying. I recognized the rooftop as it was very unusual. It was a thatched roof, like you see on English cottages. That’s exactly the roof material where we were staying.

I was terrified and as a new believer I didn’t know what to do. I was frozen in my bed not able to move for fear they would see me awake. So, I asked the Lord what I should do. Immediately Psalm 23 popped into my head. I had learned those verses, or thought I had as a very young child, but what came out into my quiet prayers wasn’t the whole of Psalms 23, but only a few sentences. That was all I could remember. So over and over for a very long time that’s what I prayed.

I noticed a very distinct color division between the “dark side” and the “light side”. The dark side had dirty colored horses and warriors on their backs. These dirty warriors were not all alike and they carried weapons of all kinds.

The light side also had horses and warriors, except the colors and lines of the figures were softer and more pastel. They were quiet while the dark warriors were loud and pushy. Both sides were completely different. The light sided warriors or angels had no visible weapons. However, they were all pointing their fingers at the warriors of the dark side. I asked the Lord why they didn’t have any weapons. I understood from Him, “Because they have My WORD!”

After hearing the answer to my question, I was able to go back to sleep. Then in the morning, I asked if anyone had a dream or something unusual happen during the night. One friend said she awoke and felt the need to pray and sing hymns for us, but didn’t know why or what to zero in on. She too wasn’t able to go back to sleep for quite a while. Then I shared the experience with the rest of my friends. Everyone asked why I didn’t wake them up. I told them I was terrified and didn’t want the enemy to know we were awake. I was so afraid that the battle would come down to us. It felt so real. And it was real.

The day after the battle the friend that we had prayed for to receive Jesus into her heart did give her heart to the Lord.  After returning home, I decided to put onto paper the dream-vision the Lord had shown me.  I feel like I was supposed to share this when the time was right. I’m not a great artist, but hopefully, you will be able to get the gist of what I saw. I believe now is the time I’m to share the painting.