Archangel Uriel

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There is a reason why our Lord has not clearly stated all Archangels names in our Christain Bible, which is and will remain a mystery while we are on this earth.  Though God has seen fit to keep hidden most of the angelic world to humankind, it is probably for our own good.  That is the case with these next two Archangels, Uriel and Phanuel.

It is a simple truth that the Bible reveals very little information regarding angels, and by extension, Archangels.  However, there are 15 literary texts called the Apocrypha, which provide accounts of the Archangels, but are not a part of the biblical canon, so as such, these entries must be taken with a grain of salt.  These apocryphal texts include the Book of Tobit, the Book of Enoch, the First and Second Book of Esdras, The First and Second Book of the Maccabees, The Book of Wisdom, and more.”  Who Is the Archangel Uriel? (

I have sought the Lord for scripture, yet these two angels have remained a mystery.  However, I have been led to a few pieces of information that I will post leaving it to the grace and glory of God.  Noting that both of these angels’ names end with “EL”; their names reflect the attributes of the Lord God Almighty, El Shaddai.  Let’s take a look at what their names mean, which will give us an indication of what their duties are for the Lord.

The name Uriel generally means God is my Flame.  It reminds me of the Psalm: He makes His ministers a flame of fire.  Uriel, in the Jewish and Christian Apocrypha is a leading angel ranked with Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.  Because his name in Hebrew means “fire of God” or “light of God,” he has been identified in Jewish traditions as an angel of thunder and earthquake, as the wielder of the fiery sword in driving Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, as the destroyer of the hosts of Sennacherib, as the figure who enlightens Ezra with visions, and, generally, as an angel of terror.”

For our God is a consuming fire.  Hebrews 12:29.

Therefore, understand today that the Lord your God is He who goes over before you as a consuming fire. Deuteronomy 9:3.

Could Uriel be God’s agent who brought the fire which fell to prove Elijah a true prophet of the Lord Most High in 1 Kings 18:38?  Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench.

And perhaps Uriel will be used with the Holy Spirit to bring in the fire of revival!  All interesting questions that I desire the answers to but may not get this side of eternity.