King of Glory, Will You Be My Prince of Peace?
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After I finished analyzing the scriptures (Ez. 34:25-30) of the Covenant of Peace, I had a statement floating around in my head, “You have been King of my Glory, will You be my Prince of Peace?” I heard it like a song and sure enough it is. Written by Rich Mullins: “Won’t You be my Prince of Peace?” Chorus Lyrics:
“For depressed or anxious Christians, perhaps the most beautiful line, ‘You have been King of my glory, won’t you be my Prince of Peace?’ It’s so much easier for us to believe God is a King of Glory than our Prince of Peace, isn’t it?” (The Weary Christian, 12/18/21).
For me, it has been a hard rocky road to find the smooth pathway of peace. I know the Lord as the King of Glory; Almighty God, and One whom I don’t refuse. But because or maybe as a result of being called to a difficult ministry, I have not known the peace-filled Person of Jesus.
He knows it and I know it. Perhaps, that is why He has stopped me in my tracks (literally) to get filled with a new revelation of His most well-known attribute. To glimpse His glory in the backdrop of His peace. To abide in a fresh illumination of His Person.
“As sons of God, our personal experience of God is often determined by our perception of Him. The moment a portal in our understanding is illuminated by the Spirit of God as to a specific aspect of His nature, that dimension becomes ours to possess and experience.
The moment you see a thing in God, it is yours to possess. You possess what you see of the Lord. You become that which you are able to see in God and of God. Whatever specific dimensions of God you see, you become.
As we behold, we are transformed. ‘Sight’ is God’s methodology to activate and facilitate personal transformation. If you cannot see it, you cannot be transformed. You cannot be transformed by what you cannot see. What you see transforms you. We are changed by what we see of God. Revelation is God’s methodology for transformation.” (Healing Part 2 - Peace of God, Randolph Barnwell).
I did not see the Lord as the Prince of Peace; I saw Him as everything BUT that! No wonder He came to me with the request “Covenant of Peace”. He is requesting that I expand my experience of Him; to see more of His true character and facilitate healing.
If I see Jesus as my Peace; then, He is my Covenant. In turn, that makes Him my Covenant of Peace and IN HIM I can hide in peace.
“These things I have spoken to you, that IN ME you may have PEACE. In the world you have tribulation (affliction, trouble), but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. Observe the phrase “IN ME” which signifies that Jesus’ peace is not just His PROMISE (which it is) but even better, PEACE is the PERSON of Christ Himself!” Biblical Peace | Precept Austin.
It is also no coincidence that God took me through the “Forgiveness Project” before He introduced the Covenant of Peace. How can I experience the Prince of Peace and all the surrounding attributes including benefits without forgiveness? I am learning that one cannot be healed without being in peace; forgiveness, peace and healing are intrinsically linked.
Jer. 33:6 Behold, I will bring to it HEALTH and HEALING, and I WILL HEAL THEM; and I will reveal to them an ABUNDANCE of PEACE and truth.
“Obviously, this health and healing represents things spiritual but could also apply to things physical. In this passage, health and healing is promised with a specific emphasis on healing. The health and healing will be given together with an abundance of peace and truth. Whenever you have an abundance of peace, healing will be the result. God promised that as we pray, He will hear us and grant us peace which results in healing…God reigns over any sickness or disease you can name. The domain over which God as King rules, is called ‘Peace’.” (Healing Part 2 - Peace of God, Randolph Barnwell).
I am spurred on to embark on an adventure to find how peace is linked to healing. I have seen Him as my King of Glory, but now I want to see Him clearly as my Prince of Peace and healing. Hope you read and seek along with me. Shalom.