A Quest for Peace

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I recently read the miraculous healing story of Rev. Kenneth Hagin from his book: I Believe in Visions.  His childhood story was compelling as he had a heart condition and was paralyzed for years.  No one thought he would live but God gave him a verse that he fought to understand in light of his condition.

“The greatest desire of my heart was to be well and strong. And here in this verse of Scripture Jesus said, “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24. When I read that Scripture, it seemed as if someone had turned on a bright light in a very dark room. And you cannot imagine how dark it can be even in the daytime, when you are shut in between four walls and are staring at the ceiling day after day, month after month all the time with a feeling of utter hopelessness.

Subtly the thought came that maybe the words “. . . what things soever ye desire” didn’t apply to physical things, but just to spiritual things. Maybe it just meant “. . . what things soever ye desire” spiritually. When that thought came, the light went out. Doubt had blown out the candle of faith, and I was in the dark again. I believed what the devil had told me, and again I thought there was no hope. I thought I had to die!

I told the Lord that when He was on earth, He said, “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them,” and that I desired to be healed. I told Him I was going to take Him at His Word: I was going to believe He told the truth, and this verse meant what it said. If the New Testament was true, then I was going to come off this deathbed. I told Him I was going to live and not die. If I don’t get off this bed, then the Bible isn’t so, and I am going to have them take it and throw it in the trash can. I meant business!

I was determined to get up from that bed, but I still didn’t know how to act on my faith in that verse of Scripture. A person can cry, pray, and do everything he knows to do, but if he doesn’t have faith or know how to exercise faith, he will remain the same. Jesus didn’t say just to pray. The key word in Mark 11:24 is believe.

I seemed to be making no real headway, and I said, 'Lord, I thought You would heal me.' I was so sure He had heard me, but I felt no better. I know now that just feeling better after you pray is no sign that God heard you; likewise, feeling no better after you pray is no sign that God didn’t hear you. We cannot rely on how we feel. We have to come back to what God’s Word says about the matter. For months I struggled this way.

 But I saw that the verse says you have to believe when you pray. The having comes after the believing. I had been reversing it. I was trying to have first and then believe second. That is what most people do.

'I see it. I see it!' I said with joy. 'I see what I’ve got to do, Lord. I’ve got to believe that my heart is well while I’m still lying here on this bed, and while my heart is not beating right. I’ve got to believe that my paralysis is gone while I’m still lying here helpless, flat on my back. I believe in my heart that You have heard my prayer! I believe that my heart is healed and that my paralysis is gone! I believe in my heart that I have received healing for my body!'

I didn’t say that I am healed because I feel like it, I stated. 'I’m healed because I believe it. And, devil, if you say I am not, then you are a liar. I am acting on the Word of God. If I am not healed, then Jesus is a liar. Go argue with God about it; don’t fuss with me."

After reading his story, I contemplated my healing verse which the Lord gave me in 2016.  He gave me the address of Mark 5:34 a few days before I was diagnosed (incorrectly) with ALS.  And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of your affliction.” Mark 5:34.     

Kenneth Hagin was miraculously healed after this revelation of understanding of the Word.  So, I applied the same principle to the verse God gave me and I asked “What wasn’t I seeing in the verse, what was I missing?” 

 Ah ha!  The Holy Spirit opened my eyes.  God said that I had the faith but I knew in my heart I was lacking the peace; ‘Go in Peace.’  That’s when I heard “A Covenant of Peace” and was flooded with scripture addresses on peace.  John 14:27 Peace I leave with you not as the world gives do I give to you let not your heart be trouble neither let it be afraid.

I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,” says the Lord, “And I will heal him.” Isaiah 57:19.

Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You. This vs refs Isaiah 57:19 from above!

“Obedience to God’s word brings healing. For some, their healing may be conditional obedience to some specific aspect of God’s commandment. One must discern this imperative of the Lord on your life, and seek to obey quickly.  God’s Word of Instruction, not just His Word of Promise, is a Word of Breakthrough and Provision. Your breakthrough and blessing lie not just in believing a promise, but in obeying an instruction.”  Healing Principles, Part 7, Randolph Barnwell.

I found this explanation on “Go in Peace” eye-opening: “Go in peace —The phrase has become so idiomatic that we dare not change it, but it may be well to remember that the true meaning of the Greek is “Go into peace”.  His command, "Go in peace!", Mark 5:34 (my healing verse) literally means "Go into peace." What does the Bible say about peace? | GotQuestions.org.

“Having peace amidst the storm of physical sickness and disease is very important, as this peace disposition is essential to securing wellness and wholeness physically.  Master peace inwardly while going through sickness. Your inward peace must not be compromised. If it is, you lose authority to command the storm of sickness and disease. Strive to keep and increase your peace; you must also develop to a place where you can by increasing your peace, command your own storms to dissipate.” Healing Part 2 - Peace of God.pdf (randolphbarnwell.com).

In order to “Go into Peace”, I am led to examine the prospect of peace.  I will be investigating peace, which is a command, a covenant, a fruit of the Spirit and a Person!  I hope you stay with me on this journey to uncover what the Prince of Peace wants to impart.  Until next week, go into peace!