Something is Going On; I Feel it in My Body (12/24)

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Something is going on and I feel it in my body. After the thrill of the Presidential election, I noticed I was getting weaker. On 11/19/24, I kept seeing in my head a scripture address Ezekiel 7:17 Every hand will be feeble, And every knee will be as weak as water.

I told the Lord, “Yes, I do feel like my legs are like water and I am fearful”. I wondered if this was from the enemy, my own affliction or God? I believe I heard the Lord say, “I AM WALKING ON WATER”. Makes sense! I asked for a confirmation scripture with the word ‘water’ in it. I opened my Bible to John 4:14. The first word I saw was water. 💦 Vs 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

“Now it is interesting that oftentimes when God would speak to a prophet that it would seem to have a physical effect upon him. Sometimes of just great weakness, just sort of a physically draining experience to have that kind of a close relationship with God. God speaking to you and showing you things…the effect would just be physically very draining.

Daniel speaks of how that after a set of visions that the Lord had given to him, how that on his bed his head was just sort of spinning and how he felt, "Therefore I was left alone when I saw this great vision, and no strength remained in me; for my vigor was turned to frailty in me, and I retained no strength." (Daniel 10:8). And just the presence of God had a very powerful adverse physical effect upon him.

Isaiah describes that "my loins filled with pain." Therefore, my loins are filled with pain; Pangs have taken hold of me, like the pangs of a woman in labor. I was distressed when I heard it; I was dismayed when I saw it. My heart wavered, fearfulness frightened me; the night for which I longed He turned into fear for me. (Isa 21:3-4).” Chuck Smith (

A few days later, I had two very encouraging dreams insinuating revival and my return of strength. I will post in a few weeks. Yet, I sense the enemy has exasperated my symptoms. During the same time, my sister Wendy and my niece Carrie, both had dreams of me strong again!

From Carrie: “I arrived at my physical therapy office. I’m walking by a small room that’s open for others to see, and I see you on a treadmill, sprinting. I’m watching as I walk by, and you are running like I’ve never seen someone run on a treadmill before. It was so fast, but you made it look effortless with each stride, but I could tell it was taking effort to keep up the fast pace, but you continued.”

And Wendy: “I forgot to tell you Pam that I had a dream of you healed. It was very brief. I am sure that this weakness is from the enemy because this is yet another "healed" dream that I've had of you. I will pray hard against this current attack because that's what I think it is. Enemy is not happy about the Trump win and all of the Christians is he placing in his cabinet. And with your prayers for Trump, too, the enemy is really angry!!!”

“There is no question that you are a sign. I believe that and that He is using you but the enemy is angered by it. All of the healed dreams we have all had cannot be coincidental. I will get them when I am not praying for healing nor thinking about it. These dreams are messages. I know it. The more your messages go out on your website about Trump, Elon, the election; the angrier the enemy becomes because the Lord prevailed in this election and revival is starting. I cannot see any mere coincidence with your weakness and the results of this election. I think it’s tied.”

John 7:24 Don’t judge by outside appearances beneath the surface.

Jeremiah 6:24 We have heard the report of it; Our hands grow feeble. Anguish has taken hold of us, Pain as of a woman in labor.

I continued asking God to show me what’s going on in the spiritual realm to equate to this horrible weakness even more than I already have and on 11/30, I got an answer with scripture:

Ezra 4: 4–5 Then the people of the land tried to discourage the people of Judah (in other words the Christians). They trouble them in building and hiring counselors against them to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus King of Persia… I remember, many people have called President Trump, a type of Cyrus from the book of Isaiah.

Also, Nehemiah 4: 9–11 Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we set a watch against them day and night. Then Judah said, “The strength of the laborers is failing, and there is so much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall.” And our adversaries said, “They will neither know nor see anything, till we come into their midst and kill them and cause the work to cease.”

Doesn’t it sound like spiritual warfare? That exact same night, my sister received an enemy visitation. You can read about it under The Prickly One. The experience confirmed what we were dealing with. My body has become a battleground where the forces of good and evil are playing out. Who would believe such a report? In fact, my spiritual mentor was even shocked. Here’s her response.

“Good grief, Pam! I have never heard anyone confess anything like this before. Don’t think it gets any worse than this! Well…I guess it does but this is astounding. Your sister is brave, but she is right to stand in righteous defiance. Jesus is BIGGER!”

The battle does belong to the Lord, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a part in it. He is the CHIEF COMMANDER and HE asks us to wield our swords. The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. May our response be: For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous…Psalm 125:3a.